Bobby. wrote Yesterday at 8:41am:
Quote: deport criminals and troublemakers and religious lunatics not born here without appeal
I think it's mostly the Africans doing the worst crimes.
We need to apply
collective punishment.If one of them commits a serious crime -
home invasions, car jackings, stabbings, rape , murder
- strip them of citizenship -
send their siblings and their whole family back to Africa.That will stop them.
We don't do 'collective punishment' these days - not since around the 1930's or so when the British would 'punish' an entire Arab village for wrongdoings, by bombing them a little .. just to get their minds right, you understand.
Of course, that was closely linked to the perpetual and permeating 'Village Fortress Mentality' of Arabs and their close ties with family via cousin marriages etc..
If we start 'collective punishment', the next time some Musso does wrong, someone will want to round the lot up and ship them to a camp for 're-education' or something... of course, Aborassic Park is different, given the demand for separate ways and a Homeland FROM ABOS themselves in many cases - only those wanting it will go there... the rest will assimilate and take it like the rest of us or go find another island to invade.
Maybe those Arabics etc demanding their way should have a Homeland as well - Arabasssic Park... with the rallying point anywhere but here...
Pull, Lemuel.. pull .... .... Nnnnnnh... damn - they ruined that bit of the video... Pull - Lemuel! PULL! NNN-nnnnh...