Gnads wrote on Sep 14
th, 2022 at 6:02pm:
Aussie wrote on Sep 14
th, 2022 at 12:33pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 14
th, 2022 at 10:47am:
chimera wrote on Sep 14
th, 2022 at 10:17am:
Article 3.
It has yet to be proven that R-S actually did not abide by those tenets....
There is nothing wrong with this appointment at this time....
Now what about that apology to 2 Sqn and its restoration?
While the Brereton Report remains , that 'SQN' will remain disbanded. The few very bad apples sullied the name of the noble many, more 'getting away with it.'
The Brereton Report was a snow job to take the heat off the ADF command & so they could throw BRS under the bus.
Oh, I see. Of course you can back that up with evidence I am sure.
No-one denies that up the line of command at the time, there were/are issues. In time, that will all
come out. Any action taken against BRS will precipitate that. Inescapable.
However, that does not in any way excuse those arseholes who conducted themselves in the manner described in that Report, and described by people who sat in a witness box and swore under oath about what they saw.
All that said....I remain firmly of the view that it is very poor judgement on the part of BRS to go to that funeral.
He loses nothing by staying here, and sending an apology.
What does he gain...SFA...other than in his own mind that the general invitation to all in some way vindicates him personally, or washes it all away.