freediver wrote on Sep 30
th, 2022 at 6:18pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 30
th, 2022 at 10:56am:
Its true Frank - you refer to hijabis as any one of:
- a miserable creature with no agency
- too ignorant/brainwashed to know any "better"
- deviantly flaunting symbols of oppression
- someone who is not worthy to be part of this society
- someone who is fare game for ridicule
the terms "hijab" and "hijabis" are pejoratives for you. You make it crystal clear that to wear the hijab is a form of deviancy and/or sign of ignorance or someone who has no agency. These women are nothing but caricatures to you.
So no, I am not emoting when I say you degrade and humiliate any woman who wears the hijab.
How much agency do hijabis generally have?
generally where? In Iran - obviously not much, in Australia, a lot more.
Arguing the degree of agency women have in wearing the hijab in a free country like Australia is a fools errand, and adds nothing to the debate. Whether its expected, even demanded by their family or not - most hijabis don't feel inconvenienced wearing it, and don't give it a second thought. Its just what they do, and it becomes part of them. Just like wearing pants outside became a part of me a very long time ago. Even though strictly speaking, I don't really have agency to choose not to wear them. At the end of the day, I am not any less of a person for doing so, nor does it prevent me carrying out my business in the way I choose. And it definitely doesn't mean I am a poor oppressed creature who needs rescuing.
And thats the point here. Why does a piece of clothing - when its worn in a free country - trigger such a rabid response by Frank's ilk? - that they are either pathetic oppressed creatures, or dangerous provocateurs, flaunting their offensive religion on us? Why should the mere sight of a simple piece of clothing automatically make people think that the wearers are something detestable who should be ridiculed?