Frank wrote on Dec 27
th, 2022 at 11:15am:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 27
th, 2022 at 10:52am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 26
th, 2022 at 4:18pm:
"On final approach, suddenly the Voiceliner strikes mild turbulence... the automaton PM attempts to correct the sudden change in attitude.... but somehow the aircraft continues to bank further and further to the left...the pilots desperately struggle to regain control ....... to add to their woes, suddenly a huge storm blows up with a massive wind against them ....... heavy hail fogs their vision and cracks begin to appear in the wing roots....... desperately they wrestle with the controls, but it is too late and the Voiceliner rolls completely over....... the opposition has woken and nothing can save the doomed Voiceliner....... which strikes the ground and shatters into a million pieces....."
Never mind the "Voiceliner"; the elephant in the room is the delusional 'natural rights' ideology still ascendent in the liberal democracies.
Law is made by men, it is not inherent in human nature.
If you want peace with sustainable development, you will need laws to engender same.
There are some natural rights. When you recognise someone as a human being you thereby recognise the inherent, naturally present characteristics of humanity. He is not a fish or a tree or a clump of earth. What are the naturally present and instantly recognised human characteristics in YOU? On what basis do you recognise YOURSELF as a human being? Do you recognise those characteristics as being also present in all other human beings but not in all other non-human beings and things?
Is your reasoning sound or arbitrary and unpredictable, random? Can you tell the difference between sound reasoning and random chaos? Good and bad? Pertinent and irrelevant?
... and he is not a vassal of the state and subservient to it as some cattle in the fields subject to his superiors.... it is, rather, the state that is created to do his bidding ... not perfectly and to do so under his direct control - but within parameters that guarantee proper conduct on the part of the state... to which end laws are created along with and themselves subservient to the overall rule that all laws created by man must obey the code of being fair, equitable, and just... it is not therefore possible for a state to create out of whole cloth or thin air, laws which are inherently unjust, discriminatory, abusive, or downright dangerous to all or part of the citizenry.
A tissue of false laws is not the rule of law - that is the rule of despotism and tyranny via law - the rule of law is that all laws themselves must be lawful or not at all.
On that final plank of this platform, many 'laws' recently passed fail the test of lawfulness... and we are now hearing that 'failing to call some turkey by his/her chosen pronoun should be a felony offence'.... madness has taken over the rule of law since it was deliberately poisoned by governments seeking to dismantle the fundamental power of the individual..... and replace reason and fair play with rule by emotion......
**interestingly - the striving by the Labor Party to dismantle the power of the individual voter and architect of democracy in the name of some great egalitarian social revolution to favour some over others, and reduce him to being a vassal of the state and under its sway totally, has resulted in its own Downfall via destruction of the Union movement built primarily by the prime targets for disempowerment, men, and this has lead us to the rise and rise of a disastrous feminocracy and matriarchy with no sense other than emotion ..... and so it does on and on..... when they came for the men via affirmative action - I said plenty - you said nothing ..... when they came for the DV defendants - I said plenty... you said nothing..... when they came for the rape accused - you said nothing - I spoke out......
When they come for you should I speak out again and again risk being attacked personally? Or should I just say............... (rolling thunder growing louder) .......................