Pedro Curevo wrote on Feb 23
rd, 2023 at 8:08pm:
And to add....Aboriginals have ownership of vast tracks of land but often have no say when miners want their hands on the valuable resources they may contain, which is the the fundamental basics of the No campaign.
The idea that a Voice is discriminates against non-indigenous folk, and still no evidence on how this is so, is a furphy, it's a look over here distraction to hide the real reason, to deny Aboriginal people real ownership..
There is no communal Aboriginal ownership of any land. Individual ownership is not an Aboriginal concept.
Land rights and ownership are separate things.
Aborigines are citizens like everyone else. For them to have a say over laws affecting everyone is racist. Most aborigines have more Anglo Celtic blood in them than the millions of Asian and European immigrants over the past 70 years who have absolutely nothing to do with whatever the Aborigines are pissed off about.
In a way this is the diversity ideology's collapse under the weight of it's own incoherence. It makes no sense for a 1/8th Aborigine to have special political power over a second generation European or Asian immigrant. Or a first generation one, for that matter.
It is a deeply sinister, contradictory, incoherent proposal.