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Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins (Read 35950 times)
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1485 - Dec 16th, 2022 at 2:37pm
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 4:43pm:
Clearly Albo supports guilt by accusation/denunciation and wishes he had those gulags those Train types were ranting about at the end of the rail line ... those industrial chimneys hide a dark secret ..... but the people downwind don't realise what that smell is...

Albowitz - where work will make you free ..... A Day In the Life Of Ivan Denisovich .... ... never Ivana Denisovichna .........

FMD Grappler...has it not yet occurred to you that this settlement arises from the actions/non-actions of your mates Cash and Reynolds?
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1486 - Dec 16th, 2022 at 6:17pm
Johnnie wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 5:24pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 4:39pm:
Johnnie wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 4:28pm:
Charges withdrawn, Brittany declared the winner by Albo, Albo rewards Brittany from the Commonwealth funds, she helped bring down the Morrison government so millions of dollars of rewards, enough for a mansion by the sea, a Ferrari and a maid for the rest of her life and no explination required to the suckers picking up the bill. Obviousy they concluded Bruce is a rapist so case closed.

Having no real balls is an Albo forte` - wonder if he wakes up on any morning, looks in the mirror and tells himself what a weak but damagng arsehole he really is with his hands on our till?

You can see why his kind exist in politics with that ridiculous charade at that graduation ceremony for men and women students, and the whole focus was on 'women, women, women' including the arrival of St Gillard who was, if you recall, running at less than 10% positive in that television debate they staged for her .... these fools all imagine that is the current reality and will just keep on going with affirmative action still in play, pressure on business and threats, more funding and scholarships on the ground - and at a time when they are outnumbering men in tertiary education facilities and will be paid, on average, 350% more than a man over a lifetime's work.

Time to draw the curtains and restore some sanity by draining that swamp... that's a good start - make them compete on a truly level playing field after giving thanks for the structures they use to get ahead...


It's a very very sad state of affairs and this saga scrapes the bottom of the barrel.

No justice, fkk all truth and it's not the Australian way, it doesn't even pass the pub test.

Mark my words - St Brittany will make a fine living out of her book (someone called it her Mein Kampf) and doing the rounds of the silly girlie lectures circuit like St Julia of The Gillard and being a poster girl for women's 'rights' (even those that are wrong)... or copping some nice little kicks from sycophantic governments bent on securing the women's votes by giving her accolades and Roman triumphs (not the motor bikes) like they did with a couple of dopey sheilas past ..... and even - heaven forbid - getting into politics as she so clearly wants.... money for jam for life without any real work....

Like political parasites past, she will not just fade away without so much as a fanfare..... too much money out there to be had now that she's got the best start in the world ..... and nobody even knows if Bruce got his end in.....

Power Of The Pussy Played Properly and Professionally!  The Japanese call it The Golden Gully - you pay for it with gold one way or another....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1487 - Dec 16th, 2022 at 6:22pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 16th, 2022 at 2:37pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 4:43pm:
Clearly Albo supports guilt by accusation/denunciation and wishes he had those gulags those Train types were ranting about at the end of the rail line ... those industrial chimneys hide a dark secret ..... but the people downwind don't realise what that smell is...

Albowitz - where work will make you free ..... A Day In the Life Of Ivan Denisovich .... ... never Ivana Denisovichna .........

FMD Grappler...has it not yet occurred to you that this settlement arises from the actions/non-actions of your mates Cash and Reynolds?

Hardly my mates - I despise both and have made that abundantly clear...... and have expressed concerns in the past about the way this was handled from the get-go... you clearly are mistaking me for someone else again.... that's why I don't listen much to you these days.  You leap to absurd conclusions to fit your mindset, then go on about things as if only you know anything, even when you are clearly wrong as shown many times in this saga...

When has any LNP and the vast majority of Labor and other personages ever been 'my mate'??

Something wrong with many of you people here..... leap to all kinds of conclusions and have zero to base them on, but that will never deter you.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1488 - Dec 16th, 2022 at 6:26pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 16th, 2022 at 2:35pm: still have not addressed the 'form.'

Why would I?  It's been pulled ..... it was convenient while the case was on to muddy the waters and make it look easy to find him guilty... now that it's all gone..... so are they.... like tear drops in the rain....

Now they'll pay the piper.... that sort of thing has got to stop.... and the courts should order it from day one of any potential hearing.

Nah, then - where now are all these sheilas lined up to do the dirty on Bruce the Goose?
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1489 - Dec 16th, 2022 at 7:01pm
Cory Bernardi (i know, the women hating racist bigot misogynist right wing terrorist homophobic transphobic islamophobic bad guy who works for SKY) has some very valid points and questions that Australians deserve the answers to since we are the ones who have picked up the bill. It's all been swept under the carpet so Cory and the rest of us will never get any answers now. It stinks.
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1490 - Dec 17th, 2022 at 11:24am
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 16th, 2022 at 6:22pm:
Aussie wrote on Dec 16th, 2022 at 2:37pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 4:43pm:
Clearly Albo supports guilt by accusation/denunciation and wishes he had those gulags those Train types were ranting about at the end of the rail line ... those industrial chimneys hide a dark secret ..... but the people downwind don't realise what that smell is...

Albowitz - where work will make you free ..... A Day In the Life Of Ivan Denisovich .... ... never Ivana Denisovichna .........

FMD Grappler...has it not yet occurred to you that this settlement arises from the actions/non-actions of your mates Cash and Reynolds?

Hardly my mates - I despise both and have made that abundantly clear...... and have expressed concerns in the past about the way this was handled from the get-go... you clearly are mistaking me for someone else again.... that's why I don't listen much to you these days.  You leap to absurd conclusions to fit your mindset, then go on about things as if only you know anything, even when you are clearly wrong as shown many times in this saga...

When has any LNP and the vast majority of Labor and other personages ever been 'my mate'??

Something wrong with many of you people here..... leap to all kinds of conclusions and have zero to base them on, but that will never deter you.

Ever had your chain pulled Grappler?

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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1491 - Dec 17th, 2022 at 2:22pm
For a government that talks a great deal about integrity, this settlement raises very serious integrity issues. The Prime Minister, the Attorney-General and the ­Finance Minister will understand that a scandal that started life as a ticking bomb to bring down the Morrison government may be morphing into a slow-release ­poison that damages not just federal Labor but the ACT Labor government, too.

Here’s why. First, it stinks to high heaven for the Attorney-General to bully Reynolds into not telling her side of this story, with her silence being bought by a promise to pay her legal bills.

Reynolds had a story to tell. In correspondence seen by The Australian, Reynolds indicated to the government and the department that she wanted to contest Higgins’s claims against her.

Indeed, many of Higgins’s claims in this civil claim had been strongly challenged by Reynolds, and others, in the course of the criminal trial. Freely available transcripts demonstrate significant conflict about the facts, which needed to be resolved.

Why on earth then did bureaucrats in the Department of Finance, in charge of taxpayer money, ignore the fact that those who have been accused of wrongdoing by Higgins have a different story to tell?

A one-day “mediation” makes a mockery of the Legal Services Directions that require the commonwealth to behave as a model litigant.

These directions state that: “A settlement on the basis of legal principle and practice requires the existence of at least a meaningful prospect of liability being established. In particular, settlement is not to be effected merely because of the cost of defending what is clearly a spurious claim.”

What legal principle or practice did the Department of Finance, and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus rely on to justify a multimillion-dollar settlement reached in one day that does not check the veracity of Higgins claims?

It is clear Labor applies its “believe-all-women” mantra only to women who make allegations against Coalition MPs, not to statements by Coalition MPs. Given the Attorney-General forbade Reynolds from telling her side, in return for paying her legal fees, was the department pressured into not checking the veracity of Higgins’s claims? The department knew from the criminal trial that Higgins’s version of relevant facts was dramatically different from the versions given by Reynolds, by Cash and by other witnesses such as Fiona Brown, Reynolds’s chief of staff.

Yet not only did the department take none of the normal steps to ascertain which of those competing versions were true, it didn’t bother getting witness statements from Reynolds, Cash, Brown or others to see if there were other respects in which Higgins’s version of events was contested. It raises the real prospect that this legal settlement is another chapter of the Higgins saga where politics has infected a legal process.

The likely contamination of a commonwealth legal process with partisan politics is deeply troubling. After all, in opposition, Dreyfus, Anthony Albanese and Finance Minister Katy Gallagher made statements last year before the criminal trial, supporting Higgins’s untested allegations of sexual assault.
The rule of law depends on due process too. What due process was followed here? The Labor government gagged two former Coalition ministers who are alleged of wrongdoing by Higgins, threatening to withdraw funding of legal fees if they turned up to the mediation, and oversaw a settlement of millions to someone whose claims were not verified.

During the trial, an extract from an audio recording was played where Higgins’s boyfriend, David Sharaz, said they wanted the rape allegation exposed at the start of the parliamentary sitting week because he had a “friend” on the Labor side – now known to be Gallagher – who would “probe and continue it”. “So sitting week, story comes out, they have to answer questions in question time, it’s a mess for them,” Sharaz is heard saying during Higgins’s initial six-hour interview with The Project.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1492 - Dec 17th, 2022 at 3:05pm
Frank wrote on Dec 17th, 2022 at 2:22pm:
For a government that talks a great deal about integrity, this settlement raises very serious integrity issues. The Prime Minister, the Attorney-General and the ­Finance Minister will understand that a scandal that started life as a ticking bomb to bring down the Morrison government may be morphing into a slow-release ­poison that damages not just federal Labor but the ACT Labor government, too.

Here’s why. First, it stinks to high heaven for the Attorney-General to bully Reynolds into not telling her side of this story, with her silence being bought by a promise to pay her legal bills.

Reynolds had a story to tell. In correspondence seen by The Australian, Reynolds indicated to the government and the department that she wanted to contest Higgins’s claims against her.

Indeed, many of Higgins’s claims in this civil claim had been strongly challenged by Reynolds, and others, in the course of the criminal trial. Freely available transcripts demonstrate significant conflict about the facts, which needed to be resolved.

Why on earth then did bureaucrats in the Department of Finance, in charge of taxpayer money, ignore the fact that those who have been accused of wrongdoing by Higgins have a different story to tell?

A one-day “mediation” makes a mockery of the Legal Services Directions that require the commonwealth to behave as a model litigant.

These directions state that: “A settlement on the basis of legal principle and practice requires the existence of at least a meaningful prospect of liability being established. In particular, settlement is not to be effected merely because of the cost of defending what is clearly a spurious claim.”

What legal principle or practice did the Department of Finance, and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus rely on to justify a multimillion-dollar settlement reached in one day that does not check the veracity of Higgins claims?

It is clear Labor applies its “believe-all-women” mantra only to women who make allegations against Coalition MPs, not to statements by Coalition MPs. Given the Attorney-General forbade Reynolds from telling her side, in return for paying her legal fees, was the department pressured into not checking the veracity of Higgins’s claims? The department knew from the criminal trial that Higgins’s version of relevant facts was dramatically different from the versions given by Reynolds, by Cash and by other witnesses such as Fiona Brown, Reynolds’s chief of staff.

Yet not only did the department take none of the normal steps to ascertain which of those competing versions were true, it didn’t bother getting witness statements from Reynolds, Cash, Brown or others to see if there were other respects in which Higgins’s version of events was contested. It raises the real prospect that this legal settlement is another chapter of the Higgins saga where politics has infected a legal process.

The likely contamination of a commonwealth legal process with partisan politics is deeply troubling. After all, in opposition, Dreyfus, Anthony Albanese and Finance Minister Katy Gallagher made statements last year before the criminal trial, supporting Higgins’s untested allegations of sexual assault.
The rule of law depends on due process too. What due process was followed here? The Labor government gagged two former Coalition ministers who are alleged of wrongdoing by Higgins, threatening to withdraw funding of legal fees if they turned up to the mediation, and oversaw a settlement of millions to someone whose claims were not verified.

During the trial, an extract from an audio recording was played where Higgins’s boyfriend, David Sharaz, said they wanted the rape allegation exposed at the start of the parliamentary sitting week because he had a “friend” on the Labor side – now known to be Gallagher – who would “probe and continue it”. “So sitting week, story comes out, they have to answer questions in question time, it’s a mess for them,” Sharaz is heard saying during Higgins’s initial six-hour interview with The Project.

Paywall.  Who is the author?  Credlin or Bolt?
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1493 - Dec 18th, 2022 at 12:17pm
I'm getting too tied up in the nonsense that goes down here....

Free The National Parks!!  Quotas for Men NOW!!  Ban Twisted Sisters!! 

Anyway - still waiting to watch Young Brittany's multiple career path blossom while she can't work... good work if you can get it and nobody knows if The Spruce Goose got his end in yet .....

I think I'm traumatised and can't work just following this sorry tale ..... $3m thanks .....

Looking at all the rumours and innuendoes one wonders if YB was a Labor plant or something - or just an excellent gold digger... with a direct hook into the main vein.... plenty more where that came from..... need a top-up in a few years...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1494 - Dec 18th, 2022 at 1:00pm
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 18th, 2022 at 12:17pm:
I'm getting too tied up in the nonsense that goes down here....

Free The National Parks!!  Quotas for Men NOW!!  Ban Twisted Sisters!! 

Anyway - still waiting to watch Young Brittany's multiple career path blossom while she can't work... good work if you can get it and nobody knows if The Spruce Goose got his end in yet .....

I think I'm traumatised and can't work just following this sorry tale ..... $3m thanks .....

Looking at all the rumours and innuendoes one wonders if YB was a Labor plant or something - or just an excellent gold digger... with a direct hook into the main vein.... plenty more where that came from..... need a top-up in a few years... doubt....yer not attacked Higgins.  Glad we cleared that up.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1495 - Dec 18th, 2022 at 1:40pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 17th, 2022 at 11:24am:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 16th, 2022 at 6:22pm:
Aussie wrote on Dec 16th, 2022 at 2:37pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 15th, 2022 at 4:43pm:
Clearly Albo supports guilt by accusation/denunciation and wishes he had those gulags those Train types were ranting about at the end of the rail line ... those industrial chimneys hide a dark secret ..... but the people downwind don't realise what that smell is...

Albowitz - where work will make you free ..... A Day In the Life Of Ivan Denisovich .... ... never Ivana Denisovichna .........

FMD Grappler...has it not yet occurred to you that this settlement arises from the actions/non-actions of your mates Cash and Reynolds?

Hardly my mates - I despise both and have made that abundantly clear...... and have expressed concerns in the past about the way this was handled from the get-go... you clearly are mistaking me for someone else again.... that's why I don't listen much to you these days.  You leap to absurd conclusions to fit your mindset, then go on about things as if only you know anything, even when you are clearly wrong as shown many times in this saga...

When has any LNP and the vast majority of Labor and other personages ever been 'my mate'??

Something wrong with many of you people here..... leap to all kinds of conclusions and have zero to base them on, but that will never deter you.

Ever had your chain pulled Grappler?


Imagine allying me with the likes of Cash and Reynolds... or most of the others... apart from the chick from Tassie who I must have a word with about her female running mate now.... what IS this problem, with Australian politics that they seem to imagine they 'need' women there?  I know a lot of the blokes are dorks but hell - so are a lot of the sheilas...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Sage of Gippsland

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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1496 - Dec 18th, 2022 at 9:47pm

I'm waiting for Lisa Wilkinson to interview Bruce Lehrmann
in order to see equal positive air time for both.      I might
grow a long grey beard while I'm waiting.

BTW, I can see Brittany Higgins = Grace Tame v.2 on the horizon.    Angry

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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1497 - Dec 19th, 2022 at 6:48am
AusGeoff wrote on Dec 18th, 2022 at 9:47pm:
I'm waiting for Lisa Wilkinson to interview Bruce Lehrmann
in order to see equal positive air time for both.      I might
grow a long grey beard while I'm waiting.

BTW, I can see Brittany Higgins = Grace Tame v.2 on the horizon.    Angry

Again....Lehrmann will never do that.  Journos are not entirely stupid.

'You don't go back into the lions' den to get your hat.'
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1498 - Dec 19th, 2022 at 11:18pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 18th, 2022 at 1:00pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 18th, 2022 at 12:17pm:
I'm getting too tied up in the nonsense that goes down here....

Free The National Parks!!  Quotas for Men NOW!!  Ban Twisted Sisters!! 

Anyway - still waiting to watch Young Brittany's multiple career path blossom while she can't work... good work if you can get it and nobody knows if The Spruce Goose got his end in yet .....

I think I'm traumatised and can't work just following this sorry tale ..... $3m thanks .....

Looking at all the rumours and innuendoes one wonders if YB was a Labor plant or something - or just an excellent gold digger... with a direct hook into the main vein.... plenty more where that came from..... need a top-up in a few years... doubt....yer not attacked Higgins.  Glad we cleared that up.

D'ya think her payout needs to be indexed?  You know - to cover inflation and stuff...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Crocodile Hunter: Origins

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Re: Trial of Brittany Higgins's alleged rapist begins
Reply #1499 - Dec 20th, 2022 at 1:01am
AusGeoff wrote on Dec 18th, 2022 at 9:47pm:
BTW, I can see Brittany Higgins = Grace Tame v.2 on the horizon.    Angry

Is she going to squint at the photographer to try and create a feminist photo?
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