reggie1963 wrote on Oct 12
th, 2022 at 12:06pm:
I hope you are being honest when you say you have had the vax Jeff. I look forward to the day when you go silent key.
Your answer to everything, this person is anti vax. That's the level of your science and investigation. You offer nothing in the way of constructive discussion. So please go and get your next shot so we can all be rid of you.
Yep... I've had my two initial vaccinations, plus my two boosters—last
one on 30 July. Me and my partner had zero negative side effects,
although she had a slightly sore injection site for a couple of days.
I think it's pretty obvious from the thrust of their comments exactly
who the anti-vaxxers are—even if they don't say it in as many words.
That I've been fully vaccinated supports the fact that I've done a lot
more research on the COVID vaccines than the anti-vaxxers, who've
in the main have relied on unverified or absurd conspiracy theories.
The people who offer nothing constructive are the anti-vaxxers who
unquestioningly accept all sorts of silly claims about "big pharma" or
governments, or crooked doctors conspiring to kill off or disable people
with phony or life-threatening drugs as some part of the new world order.
There's certainly
NO science involved in their impractical decision
to forgo vaccination.
And it's actually funny when you say I offer no "constructive discussion",
considering that earlier one of your posts directed at Greg was... uh...
hardly "constructive".
Quote:Inadequate support: Your reply provided no evidence demonstrating a link between the presence of a single brain cell in your head compared to a single surviving cell in deceased people from a covid vaccine.
Misleading: The laboratory analysis of your single living brain cell has critical methodological flaws, including a sample size of one cell and the inadequate use of another single cell sample as a control. These issues invalidate the results from your analysis and the conclusions you have drawn from them.
Can I ask if you've had the vaccines Reggie, and if not, then why not?