Iran is sliding into hell on Earth as hundreds learn their fate
With 18,000 people detained and an execution spree imminent, this country is descending into hell while the world watches on.
It took less than a month to investigate, arrest, judge and execute two young protesters in Iran. Now the trouble-torn nation is bracing itself for a killing spree.
On Monday, Majid Reza Rahnavard, 23, with hands and feet bound and a black bag over his head, was hanged from a crane in the centre of his hometown of Mashhad, northeast Iran.
Pro-government media broadcast footage of the event, including masked security personnel standing among concrete barriers to hold back the crowd.
He was arrested on November 15 and charged with allegedly killing two paramilitary police. He was not permitted a lawyer nor allowed to see the evidence. His trial was held in secret. Shortly after Majid’s execution,
Iranian state-controlled media announced up to 30 people – including three children – had been charged with moharebeh (waging war against god). More than 488 demonstrators have since been killed as authorities attempt to crack down on growing civil unrest, reports Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRAI), a group which has been monitoring the protests
Now it fears the Islamic Shia government is on the brink of unleashing a devastating series of show trials and public executions to intimidate its population into submission.Warring against god
Moharebeh is a Farsi word meaning “waging war against god”. It’s a charge that has regularly been rolled out against Iranian political dissenters and human rights activists since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. It carries the death penalty.
Now Iran’s theocratic (religious) government wants everybody to know that to oppose them is to oppose god.
“Indeed the requital of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and try to cause corruption on the Earth, is that they shall be slain or crucified, or shall have their hands and feet cut off from opposite sides, or be banished from the land.”
So read a Quranic verse displayed on a banner at Majid’s public execution.
In 1988, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini ordered the summary execution of thousands of political prisoners to crack down on political dissent. The death toll is believed to have been anywhere between 2800 and 5000 people over 32 cities.
More- Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, The Mullahs who rule Iran are just as bad as the Taliban or Islamic state.
The idiot leftists support these mullahs who execute people who oppose the Islamic regime for being enemies of God everytime they hurl that slur