albo is just another puppet of the world economic forum and the cartel at davos.
he will do what he's told.
basicly that is to "print money out of thin air, create so much debt that the dollar collapses and then get behind a global digital currency that the party of davos will control"
"you will own nothing and you will be happy"
you will be totally controlled.
the world economic forum has decided there are too many humans and they use too many resources (hell, that may even be true)
like president Xi they want to control you.
and they have to control the money to do so and make it digital
thjey have to destroy currency, savings, your super, the value of your assets so that you "own nothing"
they said it for gawds sake.
and debt is the path forward.
any ratbag scheme that enables money printing is to be implemented
we will soon be in the position where albo prints money to help you pay your power bills whilst we export coal and gas to china to help them build aircraft carriers and then we get to print more money to buy subs and on and on it goes.
debt debt debt
eventually control.
you will buy exactly as much meat and petrol as they decide to allocate to you and not a penny more
argue with the ruling elite in the future and you will be deplatformed
your ability to spend will be switched off at the flick of a switch.
trudeau already did it to the truckers in canada
made their credit cards not work
just a bit of beta testing