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DeSantis v Trump (Read 1962 times)
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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #30 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 10:04am
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 9:29am:
Everybody's life is a bit like a movie

“All The President's Criminals”

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #31 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 10:13am
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 9:29am:
Everybody's life is a bit like a movie

And you want to be the star of your own movie

Trump absolutely certainly is the headliner in the drama of Trump
This is living life to the max
And all people who are not jealous chodes admire that

The jealous chode does not have a movie he is starring in
He lives in chode purgatory
He is a bit player
He is an insignificant extra in somebody else's movie

That's tragic cause you only get one shot at life
The chode unfortunately is a mere spectator of somebody else's life

How absolutely mediocre

Mr Trump's busy throwing his dinner at the TV down in Mar a Lago, dear. He lost the White House, the insurrection and now the mid terms.

The star of the movie is Sleepy Joe Biden. Dear Leader is yesterday's man. How do we know?

You said so yourself. Vote 1 Ron, you said. Dear Leader only has himself to blame.

There, you see? Not hard to admit, now is it? That's the Superior Man for you, no?

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #32 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:04am
Trump is still living an interesting adrenaline filled
Supercharged life
It may be a tragedy

But that is still way way way way way better
Then the meaningless insignificant life
Of the person who spends their time commenting on Trump on the internet

Such a person is literally pissing away their life
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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #33 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:11am
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:04am:
Trump is still living an interesting adrenaline filled
Supercharged life
It may be a tragedy

It is a tragedy - it's the definition of living with acute ADHD - manic, crazed, destructive and malignant, being uncontrollably hyper-driven by adrenaline and living with the mortal fear that the world might not be all about him.
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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #34 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:15am
Frank wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 7:59am:
Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, which monitors media coverage, found that after just a few months in office, Trump was the subject of the most biased coverage in modern presidential history.

While the media both thrived on him and yet sought to ruin their greatest source of income, it committed suicide through its hysteria and fixations. Trump’s “fake news” attacks were crude. But they resonated precisely because he was correct that the media had become utterly corrupt and a mere extension of the progressive project.

Trump in his current state is an object of derision. But that he is still standing is a miracle in itself, given the abuse he endured that was predicated on lies, myths, and venom. In the first year of his presidency, partisan House members filed articles of impeachment. Foreign Policy printed an essay 11 days after his inauguration calling for his removal through either impeachment, the 25th Amendment, or a military coup.  It became a progressive parlor game to publicly dream of his assassination by explosion, decapitation, stabbing, incineration, hanging, or shooting. Joe Biden on three occasions bragged of his desire to physically beat him up.

That fisticuffs trope was amplified by everyone from Cory Booker to Robert De Niro. His National Security designate, General Michael Flynn, was framed by the efforts of the FBI and remnants of the Obama Justice Department through an ambush interrogation aimed at reviving the ossified Logan Act.  For nearly three years he was smeared and slurred as a Russian collaborator. That was a false charge and it devoured 22 months of his presidency, until the Mueller investigation imploded. Frenzied leftist hysterics followed this implosion. His first impeachment remains a stain on democracy.

Trump, remember, did not cancel aid to Ukraine. He was prescient in warning about the serial corruption of Hunter Biden and his father’s family syndicate. He was far tougher on Vladimir Putin (greater sanctions, flooding the world with cheap oil, leaving a flawed missile treaty, hammering Russian mercenaries in Syria, sending offensive weapons to Ukraine that Obama-Biden had forbidden, beefing up military spending, etc.) than his predecessor. Putin did not invade other countries under Trump’s tenure, unlike during prior and subsequent administrations.

In its politicized efforts to get Trump, the FBI blew up its reputation as a competent, professional, and disinterested investigatory bureau. A good argument can be made that three consecutive directors, Mueller, Comey, and McCabe, either under oath misled a House Intelligence Committee inquiry or simply flat-out lied. Retired four-star generals systematically violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice with impunity as they slandered their commander-in-chief variously as Nazi-like, a Mussolini, or analogous to the architects of Nazi death camps.

Congressional representatives grew so desperate to end Trump’s presidency that they called in a hack Yale psychiatrist to declare him, quite unprofessionally and without an examination, non compos mentis and deserving of a forced removal from office. Do we remember “Anonymous” who bragged in the New York Times of a covert and concerted effort inside his administration to destroy it?  A common denominator with all his critics—Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, the CNN cadre, Andrew McCabe, Robert De Niro, Adam Schiff, Howard Stern, Peter Strzok, and a host of others—was that their anti-Trump obsessions either diminished their careers or empowered Trump, or both.

In response to all this, and often in preemptive fashion, Trump became obsessed with the historic injustice of it all. He yelled to high heaven that the Russian collusion charge was an utter hoax. He hammered the message that the COVID pandemic never originated naturally in a wet market but was birthed in a Wuhan virology lab. He screamed that the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic and a window into the Biden family’s systemic and lucrative corruption. Trump was right on all these counts, but, like mythical Cassandra, the more he rattled off the truth, the less likely he was to be believed given the coarseness of his protestations.

So, Kingmaker, Scapegoat, or Outlaw?

Find out here

A very good analysis by historian Victor Davis Hanson.

Framed? Why, dear boy, Dear Leader fired Flynn himself. Flynn lied to the VP about his own foreign meddling. He was working for both the Russians and the Turks, and lying about it. He was eventually busted and pardoned for it.

Sir Reggie would be proud, no?

Dear Leader's campaign team meddled with Putin's own government. Dear Leader was impeached for withholding congressional aid to Ukraine, and blackmailing them for a fake investigation into Hunter Biden, US citizen. On every count you mention, the so-called fake news were compelled to report these actions. Outside of Russia, that's the fake news' job.

When Clinton was impeached, he didn't shriek fake news, he quietly got on with the job. Even Nixon finally did the right thing and resigned.

Your Dear Leader was caught red-handed, fair and square. Now you can be a good Western rationalist and acknowledge the facts. Superior culture, all that.

Or you can continue your six-year hissy fit and shriek rigged witch hunt, so unfair!

Either/or. Where there's death there's hope, no
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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #35 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:26am
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:04am:
Trump is still living an interesting adrenaline filled
Supercharged life
It may be a tragedy

But that is still way way way way way better
Then the meaningless insignificant life
Of the person who spends their time commenting on Trump on the internet

Such a person is literally pissing away their life

Mr Trump's motivation is making a buck out of his mom and pop superpac donors and staying out of the Terra Haute Federal Correctional Centre.

That's all.

Your motivation is commenting on leftards on the internet. Chodes, lives of pure garbage.

What's the bet Dear Leader doesn't run?

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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #36 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 5:15pm
Not too many have noticed that all the prominent Rethuglican members Like DeSatinist were all the original Tea Party.

Trump made the worst extremists look almost normal.
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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #37 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 5:17pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:26am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:04am:
Trump is still living an interesting adrenaline filled
Supercharged life
It may be a tragedy

But that is still way way way way way better
Then the meaningless insignificant life
Of the person who spends their time commenting on Trump on the internet

Such a person is literally pissing away their life

Mr Trump's motivation is making a buck out of his mom and pop superpac donors and staying out of the Terra Haute Federal Correctional Centre.

That's all.

Your motivation is commenting on leftards on the internet. Chodes, lives of pure garbage.

What's the bet Dear Leader doesn't run?


Why would he run when he can take a golf cart?
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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #38 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 8:32pm
Dnarever wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 5:15pm:
Not too many have noticed that all the prominent Rethuglican members Like DeSatinist were all the original Tea Party.

Trump made the worst extremists look almost normal.

Grin Grin Grin

What is NOT 'extremist' to a duckwit like you?  Criticism, disagreement, counter-argument - all 'extremism' to duckwits like you.

Give us an example of ANYONE you disagree with politically, intellectually  but whose views you respect and take into consideration, duckwit.  Go on. Someone who disagrees with you but is not an 'extremist.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #39 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 9:11pm
Frank wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 8:32pm:
Dnarever wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 5:15pm:
Not too many have noticed that all the prominent Rethuglican members Like DeSatinist were all the original Tea Party.

Trump made the worst extremists look almost normal.

Grin Grin Grin

What is NOT 'extremist' to a duckwit like you?  Criticism, disagreement, counter-argument - all 'extremism' to duckwits like you.

Give us an example of ANYONE you disagree with politically, intellectually  but whose views you respect and take into consideration, duckwit.  Go on. Someone who disagrees with you but is not an 'extremist.

You would excuse anything - It is accepted that the tea party were very extreme.

They were always the most extreme of the extreme republicans. The tea Party dragged the Rethuglicans further to the right than they had ever been. This set the stage for the Orange insurrectionist.

In Kentucky Rand Paul, perhaps identified more closely with the Tea Party than any other candidate, coasted to a comfortable victory, and in Florida Tea Party nominee Marco Rubio won a three-way Senate race

The 2012 election and the government shutdown of 2013
Although Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz coasted to an easy victory in his race for a U.S. Senate seat in Texas, that result was far from typical for both the Tea Party and the Republicans in the November 2012
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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #40 - Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:17pm
Dnarever wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 5:17pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:26am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:04am:
Trump is still living an interesting adrenaline filled
Supercharged life
It may be a tragedy

But that is still way way way way way better
Then the meaningless insignificant life
Of the person who spends their time commenting on Trump on the internet

Such a person is literally pissing away their life

Mr Trump's motivation is making a buck out of his mom and pop superpac donors and staying out of the Terra Haute Federal Correctional Centre.

That's all.

Your motivation is commenting on leftards on the internet. Chodes, lives of pure garbage.

What's the bet Dear Leader doesn't run?


Why would he run when he can take a golf cart?

True. Why walk when you can ride? Why stand or sit when you can have a nice old lie down?

The big fella understands the maximising energy principle of expending the least amount of effort and consideration -

But the most amount of words.

Consume more, produce less. We'll have a quick look, shall we?

The result of the longest govt shutdown in US history? 27.3 km of completed southern border wall.

The result of his federal covid strategy? The highest number of covid deaths in the world.

His economic management? The highest govt debt of any govt ever.

Number of legislated achievements? The least. Again, of any US prez ever.

His pitch to restore honesty and integrity to government? 30,573 false or misleading statements made as prez.

Transparency? Less press briefings than any modern prez. Most FOI requests declined. And on and on it goes.

Just so. Why would he run when he can ride in a golf cart?

That's a question.
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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #41 - Nov 16th, 2022 at 6:58am
Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:17pm:
Dnarever wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 5:17pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:26am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15th, 2022 at 11:04am:
Trump is still living an interesting adrenaline filled
Supercharged life
It may be a tragedy

But that is still way way way way way better
Then the meaningless insignificant life
Of the person who spends their time commenting on Trump on the internet

Such a person is literally pissing away their life

Mr Trump's motivation is making a buck out of his mom and pop superpac donors and staying out of the Terra Haute Federal Correctional Centre.

That's all.

Your motivation is commenting on leftards on the internet. Chodes, lives of pure garbage.

What's the bet Dear Leader doesn't run?


Why would he run when he can take a golf cart?

True. Why walk when you can ride? Why stand or sit when you can have a nice old lie down?

The big fella understands the maximising energy principle of expending the least amount of effort and consideration -

But the most amount of words.

Consume more, produce less. We'll have a quick look, shall we?

The result of the longest govt shutdown in US history? 27.3 km of completed southern border wall.

The result of his federal covid strategy? The highest number of covid deaths in the world.

His economic management? The highest govt debt of any govt ever.

Number of legislated achievements? The least. Again, of any US prez ever.

His pitch to restore honesty and integrity to government? 30,573 false or misleading statements made as prez.

Transparency? Less press briefings than any modern prez. Most FOI requests declined. And on and on it goes.

Just so. Why would he run when he can ride in a golf cart?

That's a question.

Nailed it.
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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #42 - Nov 16th, 2022 at 8:07am
Trump will announce his 2024 run today. Spic Desantis has already said he will not run against Trump.

The fact that Old Joe, the democrats and their media are talking up da Spic speaks volumes for who they woud rather run against.

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Australian Politics

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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #43 - Nov 16th, 2022 at 8:14am
Johnnie wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 8:07am:
Trump will announce his 2024 run today. Spic Desantis has already said he will not run against Trump.

The fact that Old Joe, the democrats and their media are talking up da Spic speaks volumes for who they woud rather run against.


I'd bet the Democrat leadership is praying to, whoever democrats pray to, that Trump will run and is the Republican candidate for 2024.
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Jim Lahey
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Re: DeSantis v Trump
Reply #44 - Nov 16th, 2022 at 9:14am
Bobby and his little pet manlet lisa show they have no idea about anything....once again.....

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