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China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China (Read 13302 times)
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #120 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 1:37pm
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 2nd, 2022 at 11:06am:
How's the cha bu duo explanation going?

Seems this having nothing to say is becoming contagious - Zhao Lijang could not answer the question about whether the CCP would be relaxing the covid restrictions in the wake of widespread protests, and so just stood there, saying nothing - some 'spokesman' !!

Like fraud-diver's mindless equating of the Mao-era famine to current policies, you are failing to keep up; local authorities are now furiously backtracking on zero covid policy after the nation's chief health advisor noted that "omicron variants are not as pathologic as previous variants", ....obviously with the blessing of the CCP ....after hearing the people....

The stock markets boomed.....pragmatism at its best.
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #121 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 2:09pm
freediver wrote on Dec 2nd, 2022 at 6:24am:
It's odd that TGD keeps talking about inequality soaring in the west.The only place it is soaring is China.

Pure falsehood , not worth debating. (US life expectancy falling, China increasing)

Not that long ago they were starving to death on a relatively equal basis. Now there is more inequality than most western countries.

More mindless garbage from a privatization fraudster.

In the last four decades, China has created billionaires, while also eradicating absolute of course inequality has increased.

But did you miss it?....Xi has recently reaffirmed policies aimed at achieving common prosperity.

Nevertheless, the US is of course more unequal than China, with inequality soaring and no plans to reverse it.   

Though they are still dirt poor in comparison. Meanwhile our social security payments are more than double the median Chinese wage, [s]and they are headed for another Mao-style great leap backwards[/s].
  Gdp per capita in China c. $12,000; in the West c. $50K.

He imagines a better China, and the downfall of the west. Or at least, a China that is better than the west. But the only evidence he has for this is his imagination. It is all the future, riding on the promise of CCP propaganda. How can a people who were starved to death in the millions by their own government still be so naive?

(crossed out:  frauddiver's obsession with the past).

I imagine a world without poverty, I see China being in with a chance to show that it is possible, by mid-century. 

Impossible in the West's  'survival of the fittest' competition by "free" individuals in 'invisible hand' markets, impossible because these markets are driven by greed.  Note: in macro-economics, "markets are good servants, but poor masters".
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #122 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 2:37pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 1:37pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 2nd, 2022 at 11:06am:
How's the cha bu duo explanation going?

Seems this having nothing to say is becoming contagious - Zhao Lijang could not answer the question about whether the CCP would be relaxing the covid restrictions in the wake of widespread protests, and so just stood there, saying nothing - some 'spokesman' !!

Like fraud-diver's mindless equating of the Mao-era famine to current policies, you are failing to keep up; local authorities are now furiously backtracking on zero covid policy after the nation's chief health advisor noted that "omicron variants are not as pathologic as previous variants", ....obviously with the blessing of the CCP ....after hearing the people....

The stock markets boomed.....pragmatism at its best.

And the central government cowards are blaming local administrations for the mess, claiming that they'd been instructed to dial back the covid restrictions.

What the central government hasn't yet admitted to was that their policy on zero-covid didn't change and neither did their quotas on acceptable numbers of covid cases, leaving the local administrators in a catch-22 - if they relaxed restrictions and case numbers exceeded the quotas, they would be disciplined. All this while the central government refused to allow western vaccines into the country.

Of course, the true covid numbers would almost certainly have exceeded the central government quotas anyway as case numbers were only being reported up to the quota limit. Another cha bu duo moment.

Their excuse about Omicron is spurious also. Omicron has been the dominant strain for over a year. Why did the central government not act sooner? It was only the threatening protests that woke them to the possibility of a CCP existential crisis.

And the central government might have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for scenes from the world cup showing hundreds of thousands of people unmasked.

As for Zhao Lijan - what a sad phuk - instructed by the CCP not to answer questions that referred to protests because, well, the central government tried to deny they were happening at all.
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« Last Edit: Dec 3rd, 2022 at 2:44pm by MeisterEckhart »  
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #123 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm
freediver wrote on Nov 28th, 2022 at 8:02am:
Perhaps the Chinese people haven't forgotten being starved to death by the CCP after all. Xi seems to be another Mao in the making.

Frauddiver strikes again; the CCP has evolved since the Mao era,  and since 1980 has eradicated poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history.


Protests against strict Covid measures in China have spilled into a second night and spread to the biggest cities.

Demonstrators gathered in the capital Beijing and the financial hub Shanghai.

Many held up blank pieces of paper to express their discontent and acknowledge the censorship. Some have, however, gone as far as calling for President Xi Jinping to step down.

Millions have been affected by nearly three years of mass testing, quarantines and snap lockdowns.

It is very unusual for people to publicly vent their anger at Communist Party leaders in China, where any direct government criticism can result in harsh penalties.

During Saturday night's protest in the city people were heard openly shouting slogans such as "Xi Jinping, step down" and "Communist party, step down".

Such demands are highly unusual in China.

But the government appears to have drastically underestimated growing discontent towards the zero-Covid approach, a policy inextricably linked to President Xi who recently pledged there would be no swerving from it.

And now the government is responding...with medical opinions offering the advise that the current Omricon variant is not so lethal as previous variants...

China signals ease in Covid policy after mass protests

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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #124 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:21pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm:
the CCP has evolved since the Mao era,  and since 1980 has eradicated poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history.

Poverty has not been eradicated in China. What has been eradicated by the CCP is the freedom to report on poverty.
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #125 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:23pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm:
And now the government is responding...with medical opinions offering the advise that the current Omricon variant is not so lethal as previous variants...

Something the world has known for nearly a year.

Why did the CCP not advise the people of this earlier?
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #126 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:30pm
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 2:37pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 1:37pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 2nd, 2022 at 11:06am:
How's the cha bu duo explanation going?

Seems this having nothing to say is becoming contagious - Zhao Lijang could not answer the question about whether the CCP would be relaxing the covid restrictions in the wake of widespread protests, and so just stood there, saying nothing - some 'spokesman' !!

Like fraud-diver's mindless equating of the Mao-era famine to current policies, you are failing to keep up; local authorities are now furiously backtracking on zero covid policy after the nation's chief health advisor noted that "omicron variants are not as pathologic as previous variants", ....obviously with the blessing of the CCP ....after hearing the people....

The stock markets boomed.....pragmatism at its best.

And the central government cowards are blaming local administrations for the mess, claiming that they'd been instructed to dial back the covid restrictions.

Eh...and what a bummer the CCP are too "cowardly" to face up to the protesters..... (if you get my drift...) 

What the central government hasn't yet admitted to was that their policy on zero-covid didn't change and neither did their quotas on acceptable numbers of covid cases, leaving the local administrators in a catch-22 - if they relaxed restrictions and case numbers exceeded the quotas, they would be disciplined. All this while the central government refused to allow western vaccines into the country.

Yes, ...and your disappointment that the CCP has reneged on zero covid is palpable....

Of course, the true covid numbers would almost certainly have exceeded the central government quotas anyway as case numbers were only being reported up to the quota limit. Another cha bu duo moment.

Of course fake news only exists in China....

Their excuse about Omicron is spurious also. Omicron has been the dominant strain for over a year. Why did the central government not act sooner? It was only the threatening protests that woke them to the possibility of a CCP existential crisis.

Well, a genuine desire to save lives in a vast population -many of whom do not have access to 1st world hospital standards - might have had something to do with it.
(But who knows whether the current covid strain is the same as last year, there seem to be lots of different  strains).
And the central government might have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for scenes from the world cup showing hundreds of thousands of people unmasked.

As for Zhao Lijan - what a sad phuk - instructed by the CCP not to answer questions that referred to protests because, well, the central government tried to deny they were happening at all.

Cheer up, old will just have to keep finding ways to bolster your phoney 'China threat' theory. 
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #127 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:37pm
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:21pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm:
the CCP has evolved since the Mao era,  and since 1980 has eradicated poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history.

Poverty has not been eradicated in China. What has been eradicated by the CCP is the freedom to report on poverty.

Your powers of comprehension are crippled by your fake "freedom values" ideology.

Since 1980, China has eradicated absolute poverty (as per UN measurement) AND created the largest middle class in the world (c.400 million), at the fastest rate of any nation in history. 

What a pity the CCP is reneging on covid zero.....the huge $18 trillion economy might resume growing at a fast stock-market punters are apparently expecting. 

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« Last Edit: Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:50pm by thegreatdivide »  
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #128 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:49pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:37pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:21pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm:
the CCP has evolved since the Mao era,  and since 1980 has eradicated poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history.

Poverty has not been eradicated in China. What has been eradicated by the CCP is the freedom to report on poverty.

Your powers of comprehension are crippled by your fake "freedom values" ideology.

Since 1980, China has eradicated absolute poverty (as per UN measurement) AND created the largest middle class in the world, at the fastest rate of any nation in history. 

The only figures used about China are those that are sanctioned by the CCP.

The CCP did not eradicate poverty, Xi Jinping declared poverty eradicated by decree.

To manufacture the figures, the CCP uses a malevolent form of cha bu duo that Mao exploited - set quotas for provincial and regional authorities and be harsh in discipline if they report they have exceeded those quotas. Of course, no provincial or regional authority reports exceeding quotas where it has not been sanctioned by the central government. Hu Jintao once referred to this in a public speech. We will see at Jiang's funeral whether Hu is still alive.

Anyone who travels across China is alarmed at the extent of poverty outside Tier-1 cities.
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #129 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:55pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:30pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 2:37pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 1:37pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 2nd, 2022 at 11:06am:
How's the cha bu duo explanation going?

Seems this having nothing to say is becoming contagious - Zhao Lijang could not answer the question about whether the CCP would be relaxing the covid restrictions in the wake of widespread protests, and so just stood there, saying nothing - some 'spokesman' !!

Like fraud-diver's mindless equating of the Mao-era famine to current policies, you are failing to keep up; local authorities are now furiously backtracking on zero covid policy after the nation's chief health advisor noted that "omicron variants are not as pathologic as previous variants", ....obviously with the blessing of the CCP ....after hearing the people....

The stock markets boomed.....pragmatism at its best.

And the central government cowards are blaming local administrations for the mess, claiming that they'd been instructed to dial back the covid restrictions.

Eh...and what a bummer the CCP are too "cowardly" to face up to the protesters..... (if you get my drift...) 

What the central government hasn't yet admitted to was that their policy on zero-covid didn't change and neither did their quotas on acceptable numbers of covid cases, leaving the local administrators in a catch-22 - if they relaxed restrictions and case numbers exceeded the quotas, they would be disciplined. All this while the central government refused to allow western vaccines into the country.

Yes, ...and your disappointment that the CCP has reneged on zero covid is palpable....

Of course, the true covid numbers would almost certainly have exceeded the central government quotas anyway as case numbers were only being reported up to the quota limit. Another cha bu duo moment.

Of course fake news only exists in China....

Their excuse about Omicron is spurious also. Omicron has been the dominant strain for over a year. Why did the central government not act sooner? It was only the threatening protests that woke them to the possibility of a CCP existential crisis.

Well, a genuine desire to save lives in a vast population -many of whom do not have access to 1st world hospital standards - might have had something to do with it.
(But who knows whether the current covid strain is the same as last year, there seem to be lots of different  strains).
And the central government might have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for scenes from the world cup showing hundreds of thousands of people unmasked.

As for Zhao Lijan - what a sad phuk - instructed by the CCP not to answer questions that referred to protests because, well, the central government tried to deny they were happening at all.

Cheer up, old will just have to keep finding ways to bolster your phoney 'China threat' theory. 

So, over the last 2 years, Chinese people have been herded into concentration camps, separated from their children, forced to take covid tests up to 3 times a week rain, hail, snow or shine, have starved in their homes, been bashed, arrested and disappeared and now, it turns out, for nothing.

General well-being CCP-style.
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #130 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 5:02pm
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:49pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:37pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:21pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm:
the CCP has evolved since the Mao era,  and since 1980 has eradicated poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history.

Poverty has not been eradicated in China. What has been eradicated by the CCP is the freedom to report on poverty.

Your powers of comprehension are crippled by your fake "freedom values" ideology.

Since 1980, China has eradicated absolute poverty (as per UN measurement) AND created the largest middle class in the world, at the fastest rate of any nation in history. 

The only figures used about China are those that are sanctioned by the CCP.

Case closed then, I suppose.....

The CCP did not eradicate poverty, Xi Jinping declared poverty eradicated by decree.

The $18 trillion economy, actually the biggest in the world in PPP terms, would suggest otherwise, but carry fake "freedom value' ideologue.

To manufacture the figures, the CCP uses a malevolent form of cha bu duo that Mao exploited - set quotas for provincial and regional authorities and be harsh in discipline if they report they have exceeded those quotas. Of course, no provincial or regional authority reports exceeding quotas where it has not been sanctioned by the central government.

The largest economy in the world in PPP terms,  enabling  subsidies for low income groups, would suggest at least sufficiency among the poor, certainly better the blacks drinking themselves to death in poorly maintained houses - or no housing - in Oz.

Anyone who travels across China is alarmed at the extent of poverty outside Tier-1 cities.

Don't look at Broome beaches, or Tennant Creek streets on the weekend...
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #131 - Dec 3rd, 2022 at 5:17pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 5:02pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:49pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:37pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:21pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 4:12pm:
the CCP has evolved since the Mao era,  and since 1980 has eradicated poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history.

Poverty has not been eradicated in China. What has been eradicated by the CCP is the freedom to report on poverty.

Your powers of comprehension are crippled by your fake "freedom values" ideology.

Since 1980, China has eradicated absolute poverty (as per UN measurement) AND created the largest middle class in the world, at the fastest rate of any nation in history. 

The only figures used about China are those that are sanctioned by the CCP.

Case closed then, I suppose.....

The CCP did not eradicate poverty, Xi Jinping declared poverty eradicated by decree.

The $18 trillion economy, actually the biggest in the world in PPP terms, would suggest otherwise, but carry fake "freedom value' ideologue.

To manufacture the figures, the CCP uses a malevolent form of cha bu duo that Mao exploited - set quotas for provincial and regional authorities and be harsh in discipline if they report they have exceeded those quotas. Of course, no provincial or regional authority reports exceeding quotas where it has not been sanctioned by the central government.

The largest economy in the world in PPP terms,  enabling  subsidies for low income groups, would suggest at least sufficiency among the poor, certainly better the blacks drinking themselves to death in poorly maintained houses - or no housing - in Oz.

Anyone who travels across China is alarmed at the extent of poverty outside Tier-1 cities.

Don't look at Broome beaches, or Tennant Creek streets on the weekend...
With a 1.4 billion population, figures in isolation look impressive - and made more impressive with a bit of cha bu duo-style reporting limits.

Who gets to actually spend money in China is another question. Certainly, CCP officials and those with enough guanxi with CCP officials definitely get to flaunt their wealth. Their numbers could be as high as 200 to 400 million.

That would still leave a billion people, most of whom have barely enough to eat, let alone own cars and mod cons.

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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #132 - Dec 4th, 2022 at 10:02am
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 2:09pm:
freediver wrote on Dec 2nd, 2022 at 6:24am:
It's odd that TGD keeps talking about inequality soaring in the west.The only place it is soaring is China.

Pure falsehood , not worth debating. (US life expectancy falling, China increasing)

And yet you debate it. If inequality is not soaring in China, can you explain how they went from starving to death in the millions on a relatively equal basis, to having more inequality than Australia and most of the other western nations you complain about?

On the Gini coefficient, the following are just some of the western nations that outrank China. Note that this only measures relative inequality within the country. These nations are also far wealthier than China in an absolute sense. There are also plenty of tinpot dictatorships that score better than China.

Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Austraia, EU, Ireland, Germany, France, Portugal, Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Luxembourg, Australia, Spain, Italy, NZ.

In fact, if you pick any country at random, it is likely these days to beat China on inequality.

More mindless garbage from a privatization fraudster.

Are you denying that the CCP starved millions of Chinese people to death by trying to feed them all equally?

Gdp per capita in China c. $12,000; in the West c. $50K.

Yes. China is terrible on pretty much every score. Are you trying to agree with what I said? Here it is again:

Though they are still dirt poor in comparison. Meanwhile our social security payments are more than double the median Chinese wage

crossed out:  frauddiver's obsession with the past

And present. China is still a shithole compared to the western nations you like to compare it to. The only place where it is not is in your imagination, and your CCP propaganda pamphlettes, promising yet another Mao-style great leap backwards.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #133 - Dec 4th, 2022 at 10:20am
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 5:17pm:

With a 1.4 billion population, figures in isolation look impressive - and made more impressive with a bit of cha bu duo-style reporting limits.

No, the fact is according to UN measurements, China is now a middle income country,  with the poor supported by government subsidies. That's why most of the poverty eradication in the world in the last 3 decades has happened in China.

Who gets to actually spend money in China is another question. Certainly, CCP officials and those with enough guanxi with CCP officials definitely get to flaunt their wealth. Their numbers could be as high as 200 to 400 million.

Addressed and refuted above, and indeed China now has the largest middle class in the world with c. 400 million people cf c.96 million CCP members (including 'officials')

meanwhile blacks in Oz living on the dole are drinking themselves to death and living in 3rd world squalor, with an average life expectancy gap of a decade cf non-blacks.   

That would still leave a billion people, most of whom have barely enough to eat, let alone own cars and mod cons.

Addressed and refuted above. China's "socialism with Chinese characteristics" ensures provision of necessities, without the poorest actually needing an above poverty income, because socialism redistributes the nation's production via food, transport and housing subsidies.

Whereas the below poverty dole in Oz, and no  subsidization of these costs in capitalist Oz, create the misery we see in the 3rd world black squalor.
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« Last Edit: Dec 4th, 2022 at 10:26am by thegreatdivide »  
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Re: China- Uprisings Erupting Against CCP Across China
Reply #134 - Dec 4th, 2022 at 10:26am
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 4th, 2022 at 10:20am:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 3rd, 2022 at 5:17pm:

With a 1.4 billion population, figures in isolation look impressive - and made more impressive with a bit of cha bu duo-style reporting limits.

No, the fact is according to UN measurements, China is now a middle income country,  with the poor supported by government subsidies. That's why most of the poverty eradication in the world in the last 3 decades has happened in China.

No. Data about China does not come from independent sources. Until that changes, nothing can be determined with confidence.

Those who have travelled through China will tell you poverty is rampant outside of Tier-1 cities.
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