MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 9
th, 2022 at 5:31pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 9
th, 2022 at 4:39pm:
The CCP believes its governance model of political stability to achieve rapid economic progress is superior to the Western model of multi-party elections with their 'stop-start' economic policies and frequent political gridlock.
There are four primary motivations in men who develop a fetish for totalitarian regimes' leaders - money, power, fear and homoeroticism.
There is one great observation that can be made about an ideologue who considers another ideology to be a "threat" that must be eliminated: a closed mind, leading to paranoia.
Governance to promote
collective well-being, as opposed to governance to promote individual "freedom" - which of necessity entrenches poverty among the least competitive members of society, are two modes of governance.
One model of governance need not be considered a "threat" to another, indeed
in the complicated story of human progress it is advantageous to have two systems competing and co-operating side by side, to engender improvement in both models.
Now, you mentioned a "fetish for totalitarian regimes' leaders"; this is your great concern, not mine.
I don't give two hoots about leaders, they are only figureheads of government, and should only embody the wishes of the entire governing party.
Of course humans throughout history have shown a remarkable proclivity for kowtowing to "leaders", like sheep in need of a shepherd.
As for China, I would prefer Xi made it clear he is the spokesman for the party and nothing more.
So.....having cleared that up, let's read on:
Quote:The first three require proximity to the regime and its leader; the fourth can manifest from beyond that proximity.
So ...."money, power, and fear" about projection, these are the attributes of all "free" men; as I pointed out above, the competitive individual desires the first two, and fears government intervention as an impediment to his desires.
Quote:The CCP has had an unbroken record of depravity and brutality towards the Chinese people's five main ethnicities and the many minor ones within China.
Here we see the
fundamentalist narrative of a paranoid ideologue - so over the top as to be absurd.
The CCP is admired by all fair-minded people for having lifted the greatest number of people out of absolute poverty at the fastest rate of any nation in history, regardless of ethnicity and religion.
Quote:The latest stoush that is starting to erupt is who is more depraved - The Xi faction or the Jiang faction?
Depraved ....for advancing the nation's prosperity?
Quote:Jiang's family members and associates are the Xi faction's first targets, with Hu Jintao, his family and associates next up.
Pass...more narrative driven by paranoia; the battle of ideas is always centred around various factions in any system. As for "targets", let's see who Xi's faction is responsible for targeting, and how they are targeted.
Quote:The city to watch will be Shanghai, where arrests, disappearances and revenge killings will soon start.
Criminal acts, to be sure. Do keep us informed.
Quote:Of the protesters, unlike the Tiananmen Square massacre, with its highly public visuals of tanks mowing people down, (something, by the way, most Chinese have never heard of - another CCP lie), the protesters will be quietly murdered either in their homes or in police cells.
The CCP is determined to get them all.
How many of the covid protesters were locked up?
On the contrary, it seems the protesters have got their way, and forced the government to lift the covid restrictions.
Nothing like the Iranian theocrats determined to force a religious ideology onto their nation.
Notice how the previous BLM protests, and now the Iranian women rights protests create worldwide solidarity; in contrast no one bothers to protest China's system of governance, no doubt partly because our own systems are 'on the nose' with much of the population.....