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Poor Meister is confused: he says the PLA can't even fight Vietnam, and yet the Pentagon is spending $750 billion a year to contain the "China threat", while Biden is chucking all "free trade" policies overboard at huge expense to the global economy, to contain the "China threat".
The biggest threat to the world is the widely-shared "freedom values" delusions in Meister's own head, delusions which result in endless war and systemic entrenched poverty... aka "the poor are always with us".
The UNUDHR asserts the right of individuals to participate in the economy at above-poverty level, and the right to live in security.
The false doctrine of national sovereignty makes it impossible, as "freedom values" ideologues seek their own individual (and national) advantage, over and above collective international well-being.
That false doctrine is why the veto was forced onto the UNSC, thus crippling the UNSC from its inception.
The CCP is in a bind - it wants to create common prosperity, yet it needs national sovereignty to do it, to counter global poverty-entrenching neoliberal free markets.
Meister's delusional "freedom values" ideology means even half the population of the richest nation on the planet are living paycheck to paycheck, the very definition of chronic, life-shortening, financial stress.
And so the current global "liberal"/"freedom values" regime under the US global hegemony regime with US acting as 'global policeman' is characterised by endless bloodshed in endless wars, with nations in an insane competition for resources and naked imposition of their own obsolete cultural norms (eg Iranian clothing police), when there is no lack of productive capacity in the modern economy.