Carl D wrote on Nov 28
th, 2022 at 9:44pm:
freediver wrote on Nov 28
th, 2022 at 9:35pm:
That's a rather narrow take on it. We are seeing the struggle for freedom and democracy unfold right before our eyes, and you think it only matters if it affects exports. Do you think the media and their readers might have an actual human interest in what is going on?
The media are only interested in what gets people to buy "news" papers (i.e. read their ads) and watch the TV "news" (i.e. watch their ads).
As for the media having any human interest in anything you only have to look at how they're (not) reporting on Covid in Australia anymore - apart from trying to convince everyone the pandemic is over when it most definitely isn't. And mostly succeeding, at least from what I personally see and hear on a daily basis.
The media did not influence anyone I know.
Most people I know, knew this covid hysteria was horsehyte from the get go.
Most people know the media is nothing more than a propaganda machine. The footage at the beginning of covid backs the claim.
What you're seeing now is the sheep that followed the media into the sharps kit are now climbing back out and getting on with life. Basically ignoring their bullshyte.
The media were used in the beginning to create fear in everyone. It worked well, sill is.
They were paid extremely handsomely to do so. It had a purpose.
But just look at the amount of people today that call the MSM "fake news". It's a pandemic in itself.
The MSM couldn't keep the lie going without sheep wisening up and asking questions....and when those asking questions are silenced, ridiculed, shamed in the name of keeping them silent, it starts to raise eyebrows and garner more attention from the sheep, especially when six months down the track the MSM are asking same questions, or printing the exact claims that got silenced previously.
That's all I wanted to do... Ask questions. But I get called all sorts of names for it, not that I care what your, or anyone's opinion of me is.
Your best bet next time imo, because the next one is coming, is get out and ask real humans, real questions. The way it worked before social media came along.
Turn off that rubbish at 6pm. It will do you no good at all.