Brian Ross wrote on Dec 19
th, 2022 at 3:57pm:
Really, dickheaddle? Really?
Justice Brownhill took into account mitigating circumstances in her sentencing.
She said the teenager - an initiated Warumungu person from Tennant Creek - had been exposed to serious domestic violence that had seen him diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder at the age of 10.
His father had spent time in prison for domestic violence offences and he had a long history of contact with the child protection system due to his father’s absence and his mother’s alcohol abuse.
He has been diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, severe expressive and receptive language disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder and chronic PTSD.
He had also been diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability and “severe cannabis use disorder”.
He had been smoking cannabis on the day he raped the girl.
The court heard the teenager had struggled to engage at school because of bullying and his PTSD.
But since he had been at Don Dale he had been engaged in school and had received positive feedback from teachers about his behaviour and enthusiasm in the classroom.
He now hopes to finish Year 12 and join the army.
The teenager would ordinarily have been transferred to adult prison when he turned 18 on December 7.
But the court heard the chief executive of the Department of Territory Families would likely give permission for him to complete his sentence at the youth detention centre due to his previous exemplary behaviour at Don Dale.
He will remain on a Territory Families or Community Corrections supervision order upon his release and will be forbidden from contacting his victim or her parents. under Aboriginal law he is an adult - initiated into the mysteries - but for whitey law he's a child.
Will the girl's clan spear him when they see him?