Two tissues then.....
When people get stuck into me about 'race' for no valid reason since I hold nothing against anyone - I give it back to them in spades.
If they don't like it - there is the kitchen door.... or they can stop screaming and crying 'racist' at every post that points the finger squarely at perpetrators of often vicious crimes.
On that strand about the murder of two young cops - you will note that one user here started at me the moment I appeared - and I said nothing about the ethnicity of the perps at that time.... and THEN - I had the temerity as a White Boy to actually look up the NSW Police Force posting of that guy as missing and get his description..... and then it was on.....
Call me racist and I'll call all your pets what they are when they play up and act contrary to decent human behaviour.... same as Morgan Freeman in Glory - when he said to Denzel Washington who was bullying another recruit - that until he woke up he would be nothing more than just another swamp-runnin' Ni
er ....
Every time some Ay-Rab robs the disabled or childcare by rorting I will call them on it since it IS part of their culture... when their sheilas cop affirmative action on three fronts into PS jobs - ethnic and female and English not their first language - and then use their position to commit and promote crime for their vambly, I will call them on it ..... when one social group commits more murder and mayhem than any other, I will call them on it .......when I post FACTUAL figures on actual violence and abuse and neglect - all freely available and from genuine sources including solid Indigenous ones - NONE of you has any right to call me racist.
So stick it in ya without fear or favour!!!