Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2022 at 5:50pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2022 at 4:37pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2022 at 3:04pm:
Truth has a way of not sitting well with the hardened ideologues .... I suppose you still believe in the wage gap against women ....
Talk about off-topic, but I'll play.
I know you want to see better pay for all those women (and men) working in age - and child-care industries.
What gives?
Women are currently in receipt of 7% per hour worked more than men, not including penalty rates. Increasing rates of pay in aged and child care areas are SECTOR rises - and probably needed - and have nothing to do with a person's sex.
Good, I'm glad we sorted that out, except of course age and child care workers are 90% female, so ...
de facto gender related
Quote:Considering the smarmy Albo-style presumption to be that more women work in those areas of work - that means the actual gap AGAINST men will rise again...
That's not the fault of the women working in the predominantly female-staffed, underpaid child and age care industries.
Quote:The 'wage gap' against women is a lie on more than one front - firstly in no industry are they paid less for the same work; the actual figures show that they are currently paid 7% more per actual hour worked (they work fewer hours); and nowhere are they disadvantaged in education and promotion and employment - STILL receiving preference in certain industries despite the 7% per hour pay gap against men; and still in receipt of open-ended quotas that read "at LEAST 50% women", these being the top paid salaried positions etc....
Ok, you win....but just make sure those child and age care workers get paid a proper living wage.
Quote:You DO understand rate of pay per hour as opposed to total earnings, don't you? It's not rocket surgery....
Quote:I tell you - this country is in desperate need of a Great Reset and the draining of many swamps... I'll be the guy owning the two masted sailing ship going up the coast and waving to you fools onshore as I head to my haven in The Azores... sandy beaches, drinking rum every night... a hop across the Atlantic to Bermuda etc... rub shoulders with the stars etc .... I've done my bit over and over... so stuff yez all in your self-made stupidity...
So you worked hard (hopefully honestly), and are entitled to the retirement you choose.
My concerns are with enabling above-poverty participation for all, during their working lives.
"It's the economy, stupid".