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Australian Politics
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Wombat NSW
On 28 December 1960, racist Zionist David Ben-Gurion, who was the first Prime Minister of the undemocratic and racist "Jewish" state of Israel, revealed that the allegedly political motivations of the Zionists were in fact religious; and that, though the declaration of independence of Israel claimed that the state was founded as a result of the Holocaust, the formation of the state was in fact the fulfillment of an ancient religious Messianic plan of the Jews to rule the world, which the "Jewish People" had themselves fulfilled because God had failed to give them the promised Messiah. Racist Zionist Jews believe it is righteous to fulfill God's plan by human political action.
- Text of Ben-Gurion's Address Before the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, The New York Times, (8 January 1961)
Zionism arose in 19th century Europe and it was more than just a movement to establish a homeland where Jews could take refuge from persecution - never mind that Jewish leaders have long promoted the idea that antisemitism is a good thing as it keeps the Jews segregated, thereby preventing assimilation and maintaining the existence of the tribe; Einstein said as much, as did Herzl - and was a reaction to the granting of rights to rank and file Jews by European states: the legal power of the Jewish community over its members was thus destroyed, and this was bitterly resented by the Jewish leadership:
"...the most important social fact of Jewish existence before the advent of the modern state (was that the) observance of the religious laws of Judaism, as well as their inculcation through education, were enforced on Jews by physical coercion, from which one could only escape by conversion to the religion of the majority, amounting in the circumstances to a total social break and for that reason very impracticable ... However, once the modern state had come into existence, the Jewish community lost its powers to punish or intimidate the individual Jew. The bonds of one of the most closed of 'closed societies', one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind were snapped.
"It was a world sunk in the most abject superstition, fanaticism and ignorance, a world in which the preface to the first work on geography in Hebrew (published in 1803 in Russia) could complain that very many great rabbis were denying the existence of the American continent and saying that it is 'impossible'. Between that world and what is often taken in the West to 'characterize' Jews there is nothing in common except the mistaken name.
"However, a great many present-day Jews are nostalgic for that world. A large part of the Zionist movement always wanted to restore it and this part has gained the upper hand. Many of the motives behind Israeli politics, which so bewilder the poor confused Western 'friends of Israel', are perfectly explicable once they are seen simply as ... a forced and in many respects innovative, and therefore illusory, return to the closed society of the Jewish past.
"It is important to note that all the supposedly 'Jewish characteristics' ... are modern characteristics, quite unknown during most of Jewish history, and appeared only when the totalitarian Jewish community began to lose its power ... Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 1780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism)... Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, history. even Jewish history. were completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism."
- Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Professor Israel Shahak
"It should not be forgotten that democracy and the rule of law were brought into Judaism from the outside. Before the advent of the modern state, Jewish communities were mostly ruled by rabbis who employed arbitrary and cruel methods as bad as those employed by totalitarian regimes. The dearest wish of the current Jewish fundamentalists is to restore this state of affairs."
- Prof. Shahak, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel