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Zionism (Read 26622 times)
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Re: Zionism
Reply #225 - Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:46am
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:17am:
"It should not be forgotten that democracy and the rule of law were brought into Judaism from the outside. Before the advent of the modern state, Jewish communities were mostly ruled by rabbis who employed arbitrary and cruel methods as bad as those employed by totalitarian regimes. The dearest wish of the current Jewish fundamentalists is to restore this state of affairs."

- Prof. Shahak, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

This is an important point.  Orthodox Judaism is much, much more like orthodox Islam.  But while modern Judaism has been tempered by Christianity and European Enlightenment and science - in which Jews have always been prominent- Islam hasn't been.

If the Arabs surrounding Israel were Christians or even post-Christian secularists, the latter's arguments and complaints against Israel, and importantly, their strategies and attitudes,  would move credible than those of the fundamentalist Muslims.
But the Palestinians' main sponsors remain Iran and Syria. Imagine if they were Sweden and Switzerland.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Lisa Jones
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Re: Zionism
Reply #226 - Jan 10th, 2023 at 7:29am
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:17am:
On 28 December 1960, racist Zionist David Ben-Gurion, who was the first Prime Minister of the undemocratic and racist "Jewish" state of Israel, revealed that the allegedly political motivations of the Zionists were in fact religious; and that, though the declaration of independence of Israel claimed that the state was founded as a result of the Holocaust, the formation of the state was in fact the fulfillment of an ancient religious Messianic plan of the Jews to rule the world, which the "Jewish People" had themselves fulfilled because God had failed to give them the promised Messiah. Racist Zionist Jews believe it is righteous to fulfill God's plan by human political action.

- Text of Ben-Gurion's Address Before the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, The New York Times, (8 January 1961)

Zionism arose in 19th century Europe and it was more than just a movement to establish a homeland where Jews could take refuge from persecution - never mind that Jewish leaders have long promoted the idea that antisemitism is a good thing as it keeps the Jews segregated, thereby preventing assimilation and maintaining the existence of the tribe; Einstein said as much, as did Herzl - and was a reaction to the granting of rights to rank and file Jews by European states: the legal power of the Jewish community over its members was thus destroyed, and this was bitterly resented by the Jewish leadership:

"...the most important social fact of Jewish existence before the advent of the modern state (was that the) observance of the religious laws of Judaism, as well as their inculcation through education, were enforced on Jews by physical coercion, from which one could only escape by conversion to the religion of the majority, amounting in the circumstances to a total social break and for that reason very impracticable ... However, once the modern state had come into existence, the Jewish community lost its powers to punish or intimidate the individual Jew. The bonds of one of the most closed of 'closed societies', one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind were snapped.

"It was a world sunk in the most abject superstition, fanaticism and ignorance, a world in which the preface to the first work on geography in Hebrew (published in 1803 in Russia) could complain that very many great rabbis were denying the existence of the American continent and saying that it is 'impossible'. Between that world and what is often taken in the West to 'characterize' Jews there is nothing in common except the mistaken name.

"However, a great many present-day Jews are nostalgic for that world. A large part of the Zionist movement always wanted to restore it and this part has gained the upper hand. Many of the motives behind Israeli politics, which so bewilder the poor confused Western 'friends of Israel', are perfectly explicable once they are seen simply as ... a forced and in many respects innovative, and therefore illusory, return to the closed society of the Jewish past.

"It is important to note that all the supposedly 'Jewish characteristics' ... are modern characteristics, quite unknown during most of Jewish history, and appeared only when the totalitarian Jewish community began to lose its power ... Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 1780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism)... Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, history. even Jewish history. were completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism."

- Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Professor Israel Shahak

"It should not be forgotten that democracy and the rule of law were brought into Judaism from the outside. Before the advent of the modern state, Jewish communities were mostly ruled by rabbis who employed arbitrary and cruel methods as bad as those employed by totalitarian regimes. The dearest wish of the current Jewish fundamentalists is to restore this state of affairs."

- Prof. Shahak Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

Professor of Organic Chemistry Israel Shahak? This guy? 👇

As a public intellectual, Israel Shahak was accused of fabricating the incidents he reported, of blaming the victim, of distorting the normative meaning of Jewish religious texts, and of misrepresenting Jewish belief and law. Paul Bogdanor claimed that Shahak "regaled his audience with a stream of outrageous libels, ludicrous fabrications, and transparent hoaxes. As each successive allegation was exposed and discredited, he would simply proceed to a new invention.

Accusations of being an antisemite were among the responses to Shahak's works about Judaism and the Talmud. In that vein, in The Talmud in Anti-Semitic Polemics, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) listed Shahak as one of four authors of antisemitic polemics, and Bogdanor said that in his works, Shahak was "recycling Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda".
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« Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2023 at 7:37am by Lisa Jones »  

If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Ayn Marx
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Re: Zionism
Reply #227 - Jan 10th, 2023 at 8:44am
athos wrote on Jan 6th, 2023 at 4:53pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 5th, 2023 at 6:45pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 5th, 2023 at 5:19pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 5th, 2023 at 1:10pm:
athos wrote on Jan 5th, 2023 at 12:46pm:
in a world of universal deceit and moral relativism, any lie can be the truth.

That'd be what the CCP security bureau officer tells you when you're on your knees in front of him.

No, that's what philosopher/emperor Marcus Aerelius discovered, the more he became involved in "the affairs of men". 

...courtesy of blindly self-interested "freedom" ideologues  like you.

The Chinese people spend their lives listening to lies peddled by the CCP and ordered to believe them.

Even the Chinese people will tell you that... but then, you don't know any.

Despite your sense of superiority, please try to be reasonable
and at least suppress your racial hatred.
Thank you.


Considering the wide range of racial types making up the population of China the notion of racial hatred of the 'Chinese' needs closer examination.

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The Human Race is Insane
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Ayn Marx
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Re: Zionism
Reply #228 - Jan 10th, 2023 at 8:46am
Time for a closer look at Rosa Luxemburg ?
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The Human Race is Insane
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Re: Zionism
Reply #229 - Jan 10th, 2023 at 9:07am
Ayn Marx wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 8:46am:
Time for a closer look at Rosa Luxemburg ?

A revolutionary Marxist. The wife of Marx and Engels's godson.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Wombat  NSW
Re: Zionism
Reply #230 - Jan 11th, 2023 at 10:42pm
Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:46am:
This is an important point.  Orthodox Judaism is much, much more like orthodox Islam.  But while modern Judaism has been tempered by Christianity and European Enlightenment and science - in which Jews have always been prominent- Islam hasn't been.

What do you mean, have always been prominent?
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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Wombat  NSW
Re: Zionism
Reply #231 - Jan 11th, 2023 at 10:46pm
Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 7:29am:
As a public intellectual, Israel Shahak was accused of fabricating the incidents he reported, of blaming the victim, of distorting the normative meaning of Jewish religious texts, and of misrepresenting Jewish belief and law.

The Challenge from Stefan Bialoguski

Originally published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East

Subject: Jewish Fundamentalism

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:42:20 +1100

There is a link on your website to information provided by a Berkley, California-based group calling itself Jews for Justice in the Middle East.

Regardless of anyone’s political views, I believe there is an obligation to be truthful and accurate in information provided. The quotations from “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel” by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky provided by Jews for Justice in the Middle East are dishonest and misleading. Indeed, the following excerpts from the book quoted by Jews for Justice in the Middle East contain references puporting to represent Jewish religious law that are usually found on avowedly antisemitic websites such as neo-Nazi sites and Holocaust denial sites:

“Gush Emunim rabbis have continually reiterated that Jews who killed Arabs should not be punished, [e.g.]…Relying on the Code of Maimonides and the Halacha, Rabbi Ariel stated, ‘A Jew who killed a non-Jew is exempt from human judgement and has not violated the [religious] prohibition of murder.’ ”

Also: ” … Halacha permits Jews to rob non-Jews in those locales wherein Jews are stronger than non-Jews.”

Even a cursory glance at the Halachic (Jewish religious law) authorities proves that the above references have been taken out of context.

The standard compendium of Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 158:1, rules that it is forbidden to kill non-Jews – even idol worshippers or members of the seven nations that the Jewish People have a Biblical obligation to destroy (not the Arabs who fulfill neither category). The Shulchan Aruch (the author of the book, who is also known by the title of the book itself) repeats himself, which is a rare occurence, in Choshen Mishpat 425:5. These Halachos (laws) are not contested by other authorities and they are sourced in much earlier works; see Babylonian Talmud Tractate Avodah Zarah 26a-b, Rambam (Maimonedes) Mishna Torah Madah Avodah Zarah 10:1.

With regards to whether it is permissible to steal, the Talmud, Tractate Bava Kammah 113b, states that it is forbidden to steal from non-Jews. That opinion is the only view mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 348:2. The Shulchan Aruch makes no diferentiation between Jews and non-Jews. The Siftei Kohen, ibid., states categorically that to steal from a non-Jew is a transgression of a negative Torah commandment. He writes that the Rambam (Maimonedes) and the Maharshal rule in accordance with this view. The Vilna Gaon rules, ibid. 8, that not only is it forbidden but that if someone did so the money cannot be used for any dvar Mitzvah (the fulfilment of a religious obligation) .

I hope your concern for truth and accuracy and a desire not to incite hatred of Jews or any other ethno-religious group will induce you to check the information I have passed on to you from Rabbi Lauffer of Jerusalem with a competent Halachic authority (eg an Orthodox rabbi) of your choice and, once confirmed, remove the defamatory material from your website.


Stefan Bialoguski

The Response  from Israel Shahak

Answer to Stefan Bialoguski against “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel” by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky (Pluto Press, 1999).

Stefan Bialoguski thinks that intellectual and often public terror employed in the USA and other countries against Jews who speak the truth about Judaism, whether in the form it took after the inception of the Talmud or its continuation in Orthodox Judaism, will succeed against an Israeli Jew like me.

Contrary to the great majority of American Jews, Israeli Jews enjoy three great advantages with regard to the freedom of expression on Jewish issues: they read Hebrew and can read Halacha and other Jewish documents in the original, and are not dependent on the falsehoods circulated about those by rabbis and Jewish organizations.

They see, with the help of their Hebrew press, whose behavior is much more honest when reporting Jewish issues than the American one, what Orthodox rabbis (almost all Israeli rabbis are Orthodox) do when they have political power, and many of them noted long ago the close resemblance the Orthodox rabbis bear to the Ayatollahs in their aims, and also the close resemblance between the Halacha and the religious law now established in Iran. I have no doubt that had the common Israeli slogans “Israel will not be an Iran” or “Israel will not be ruled by Jewish Ayatollahs” – meaning the rabbis – been raised in the USA, American defenders of Jewish zealotry and discrimination if directed against non-Jews, would have protested as strongly against such typical Israeli slogans as they do against “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel”.

Let me add that increasing numbers of Israeli Jews are beginning to see that it would be a very good thing for Israel if something similar to the First Amendment to the USA Constitution would become the law in the State of Israel.

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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Zionism
Reply #232 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 5:58am
What is it with some of you people and Jews?

It's enough to make a bloke turn Orthodox or something.... and I'm in no way religious ... especially Jewish considering my great-greats from Hamburg were...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Zionism
Reply #233 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 6:47am
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 9th, 2023 at 11:04pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2023 at 8:01am:
Are you complaining that wikipedia is biased because it does not host your insidious excuses for genocide of Jews by Muhammad?

I'm simply stating facts. It is biased because it's owned and run by Zionist Jews. Just look at Mr. Lindsay's experience, shown earlier.

And to claim that historian Stanley Lane-Poole's account is an 'insidious excuse' is beyond laughable. Muhammad had nothing to do with the massacre, other than agreeing to let an ally to the Banu Quraizah arbitrate between them, and to bind himself to that arbiter’s decision.

Can you explain by what logic you go from excusing genocide of Jews by Muhammad to Islam having a history of "protecting" Jews? 

Straw man argument. Muhammad did not genocide Jews.

The Banu Quraizah agreed to a constitution, the Charter of Medina, and that constitution explicitly required loyalty to the state of Medina, particularly in case of attack from an external army. After committing to Medina, the Banu Quraizah violated that loyalty with a treasonous act in the heat of battle. The execution that followed was the result of their choice to commit treason, per the judgment of a judge they demanded. Muhammad, far from being responsible for any deaths, interceded and even forgave those Jews who asked his forgiveness. To place even the slightest responsibility on anyone but the Banu Quraizah is nothing less than ridiculous. See Dr. Barakat Ahmad, author of “Muhammad and the Jews”.

Had Islam endorsed the destruction of Jews, why did Jews flourish under Muslim rule, while Christians were busy persecuting them?

So it's not genocide if all the paperwork is in order?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Zionism
Reply #234 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 6:59am
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 11th, 2023 at 10:42pm:
Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:46am:
This is an important point.  Orthodox Judaism is much, much more like orthodox Islam.  But while modern Judaism has been tempered by Christianity and European Enlightenment and science - in which Jews have always been prominent- Islam hasn't been.

What do you mean, have always been prominent?

At least 170 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2005, and constituting 37% of all US recipients2 during the same period.  In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and US percentages are 26% and 39%, respectively.  (Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world’s population and 2% of the US population.)

And that's just thd Nobel.

As of 2021, thirteen Nobel Prize laureates have been Muslims. Seven of the thirteen laureates have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, while three have been for the sciences. According to an estimation in 2022, Islam has 1.97 billion adherents, making up about 25% of the world population.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Ayn Marx
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Re: Zionism
Reply #235 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 7:56am
Isn't it wonderful how much superstition of all kinds have done for our species.
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The Human Race is Insane
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Re: Zionism
Reply #236 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 9:30pm
freediver wrote on Jan 12th, 2023 at 6:47am:
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 9th, 2023 at 11:04pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2023 at 8:01am:
Are you complaining that wikipedia is biased because it does not host your insidious excuses for genocide of Jews by Muhammad?

I'm simply stating facts. It is biased because it's owned and run by Zionist Jews. Just look at Mr. Lindsay's experience, shown earlier.

And to claim that historian Stanley Lane-Poole's account is an 'insidious excuse' is beyond laughable. Muhammad had nothing to do with the massacre, other than agreeing to let an ally to the Banu Quraizah arbitrate between them, and to bind himself to that arbiter’s decision.

Can you explain by what logic you go from excusing genocide of Jews by Muhammad to Islam having a history of "protecting" Jews? 

Straw man argument. Muhammad did not genocide Jews.

The Banu Quraizah agreed to a constitution, the Charter of Medina, and that constitution explicitly required loyalty to the state of Medina, particularly in case of attack from an external army. After committing to Medina, the Banu Quraizah violated that loyalty with a treasonous act in the heat of battle. The execution that followed was the result of their choice to commit treason, per the judgment of a judge they demanded. Muhammad, far from being responsible for any deaths, interceded and even forgave those Jews who asked his forgiveness. To place even the slightest responsibility on anyone but the Banu Quraizah is nothing less than ridiculous. See Dr. Barakat Ahmad, author of “Muhammad and the Jews”.

Had Islam endorsed the destruction of Jews, why did Jews flourish under Muslim rule, while Christians were busy persecuting them?

So it's not genocide if all the paperwork is in order?

Pathetic dodge.
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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Wombat  NSW
Re: Zionism
Reply #237 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 10:15pm
Frank wrote on Jan 12th, 2023 at 6:59am:
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 11th, 2023 at 10:42pm:
Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:46am:
This is an important point.  Orthodox Judaism is much, much more like orthodox Islam.  But while modern Judaism has been tempered by Christianity and European Enlightenment and science - in which Jews have always been prominent- Islam hasn't been.

What do you mean, have always been prominent?

At least 170 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2005, and constituting 37% of all US recipients2 during the same period.  In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and US percentages are 26% and 39%, respectively.  (Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world’s population and 2% of the US population.)

And that's just thd Nobel.

The awarding of Nobel prizes is a complete farce. That Bob Dylan can be awarded the prize for literature yet literary giants like James Joyce and Leo Tolstoy are ignored smacks of nepotism and favoritism.

While war criminals like Henry Kissinger receive the peace prize. What a total disgrace!

And what about before 1901? Let's say before 1803, when "the first work on geography in Hebrew (published in 1803 in Russia) could complain that very many great rabbis were denying the existence of the American continent and saying that it is 'impossible'."

Where were all the Jewish scientists, inventors, etc. then, i.e., before 1803,  when all the discoveries and inventions that fueled the industrial revolution were underway?

Rarely found, because, "Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 1780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism)... Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, history, even Jewish history. were completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism."

Spinoza was one of a few it seems. Then again he was more a philosopher than scientist or inventor. And Maimonides, Wikipedia says he was "one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages" with Mishneh Torah, The Guide for the Perplexed, his notable work. So he was a religious scholar, and personal physician of Saladin. But what did he invent or discover?

As of 2021, thirteen Nobel Prize laureates have been Muslims. Seven of the thirteen laureates have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, while three have been for the sciences. According to an estimation in 2022, Islam has 1.97 billion adherents, making up about 25% of the world population.

Yet Islamic inventions, and there were many, changed the world.
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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Re: Zionism
Reply #238 - Jan 12th, 2023 at 10:29pm
Ayn Marx wrote on Jan 12th, 2023 at 7:56am:
Isn't it wonderful how much superstition of all kinds have done for our species.

Al superstitions are driven by the human need to know and control the future.

It's why gods exist - as the ultimate arbiters of the future - currently transmogrified into the first-world's middle-class, 'the universe', as the benevolent provider of all goods, truth and future positive outcomes... but you've got to buy the books and follow... the plan.
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Re: Zionism
Reply #239 - Jan 13th, 2023 at 8:56am
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 12th, 2023 at 10:15pm:
Frank wrote on Jan 12th, 2023 at 6:59am:
wombatwoody wrote on Jan 11th, 2023 at 10:42pm:
Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2023 at 6:46am:
This is an important point.  Orthodox Judaism is much, much more like orthodox Islam.  But while modern Judaism has been tempered by Christianity and European Enlightenment and science - in which Jews have always been prominent- Islam hasn't been.

What do you mean, have always been prominent?

At least 170 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2005, and constituting 37% of all US recipients2 during the same period.  In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and US percentages are 26% and 39%, respectively.  (Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world’s population and 2% of the US population.)

And that's just thd Nobel.

The awarding of Nobel prizes is a complete farce. That Bob Dylan can be awarded the prize for literature yet literary giants like James Joyce and Leo Tolstoy are ignored smacks of nepotism and favoritism.

While war criminals like Henry Kissinger receive the peace prize. What a total disgrace!

And what about before 1901? Let's say before 1803, when "the first work on geography in Hebrew (published in 1803 in Russia) could complain that very many great rabbis were denying the existence of the American continent and saying that it is 'impossible'."

Where were all the Jewish scientists, inventors, etc. then, i.e., before 1803,  when all the discoveries and inventions that fueled the industrial revolution were underway?

Rarely found, because, "Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 1780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism)... Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, history, even Jewish history. were completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism."

Spinoza was one of a few it seems. Then again he was more a philosopher than scientist or inventor. And Maimonides, Wikipedia says he was "one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages" with Mishneh Torah, The Guide for the Perplexed, his notable work. So he was a religious scholar, and personal physician of Saladin. But what did he invent or discover?

As of 2021, thirteen Nobel Prize laureates have been Muslims. Seven of the thirteen laureates have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, while three have been for the sciences. According to an estimation in 2022, Islam has 1.97 billion adherents, making up about 25% of the world population.

Yet Islamic inventions, and there were many, changed the world.

Zionism is about 120 years old. Let's focus on that period.

Jews have been disproportionate contributors to learning since their emancipation in Europe and certainly under Islamic rule in the Middle ages where learning in medicine, finance, translation was allowed. Islam itself frowned on science except for a brief period in the High Middle ages. It was shut down just as Europe turned to the Renaissznce and then the Enlightenment.

In Spinoza's time (17th century) and for another 150 years science and philosophy were not as separate as now.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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