freediver wrote on May 5
th, 2023 at 6:22am:
Quote:Briefly mentioned in the Quran (17:1) but known primarily through hadith
This verse refers to a 'farther mosque'. Jerusalem is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran.
Just as Jahweh (Jehovah) is the name of God in the Jewish bible, and Allah is the name of the same god in the Koran, so Jerusalem has its Arabic names in Islam.
"There is not a single inch in al-Quds (Jerusalem) where a Prophet has not prayed or an angel not stood".
— Tirmidhi hadith (compiled between 864/5-884) Quote:Do you know when Muslims first began to describe Jerusalem as the third holiest city in their religion?
The most holy spot [al-quds] on earth is Syria; the most holy spot in Syria is Palestine; the most holy spot in Palestine is Jerusalem [Bayt al-maqdis]; the most holy spot in Jerusalem is the Mountain; the most holy spot in Jerusalem is the place of worship [al-masjid], and the most holy spot in the place of worship is the Dome.
— Thawr ibn Yazid, c. 770[23][24][25]Note : the "Dome" was built soon after the Prophet's death, when Islam conquered the Levant in c.630 AD.
Both quotes from : Quote:Is this a third reason for Muslims slaughtering Jews?
Moslems and Jews slaughter oneanother because they lay claim to the same land.
The above author seems to have forgotten that Mecca is the most holy site in Islam, nevertheless
the age old tradition of holy sites in Islam was established early, during its almost miraculous spread around much of the world.
Quote:First you told us it was instinct, but you seem to concede that is crap.
You are mischieviously using the word "it": the instinct for possession of land is profound: and Israel had long since ceased to exist when Islam took control of Palestine from the Byzantine empire in the 7th century AD.
Quote:Then you said they were just following the leader of the nation the Jews took the land from, but you couldn't tell us who that leader was or what the nation was.
No, I said the instinct for possesssion of land which one perceives to be one's own land is profound. The
Mufti of Jerusalem (the leader...) did not help Islam's cause by rejecting Jews out of hand in 1948; Moslems have never been militarily strong enough to resist Zionists in Palestine (not a nation, but majority Moslem people living on
land under Muslim sovereignty; your argument falls flat at this point.
Quote:Then you said it was because of the Quran's narratives about Jerusalem, but it turns out the Quran does not mention the place once.
Wrong, as noted above; the "farthest mosque" is identified in Jerusalem in the hadith, mentioned above:
the most holy spot in Jerusalem is the place of worship [al-masjid], and the most holy spot in the place of worship is the Dome. Quote:Why do you tell so many lies about Muslims?
I don't; your egregious ignorance is shown above, such is the power of instinct to damage your capacity for rational anaysis.