thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 28
th, 2022 at 3:19pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Dec 28
th, 2022 at 11:32am:
You're not much of a researcher, are you.
Palestine was a geographical expression until the early 20th century and Jerusalem is the exception, not the rule about the Arab concern for Palestine;
You said "Arabs weren't concerned about Palestine" in 1920, but Jerusalem was a major centre in Palestine - of significance to Muslims - which was strongly contested by the local population after WW1, aided and abetted by the mufti of Jerusalem."In December 1917 British troops under Edmund Allenby entered Jerusalem after the retreat of Ottoman forces. This opened a new era that lasted until 1948, during which Jerusalem again became a capital, this time of a territory administered by the British under a mandate from the League of Nations. Arab opposition to Zionist immigration intensified in the interwar period".
" Quote:hence the fierce resentment when Israelis finally touched the western wall of the temple after the 6-days war.
"fierce resentment", which existed much earlier than 1967.
You're not getting it, are you.
Jerusalem has been contested by Christians and Muslims almost since the birth of Islam. Palestine was the ex-Roman applied name to the lands around Jerusalem, but was not defined, and was of little to no value to Arabs and later Arab Muslims.
19th-century travellers to the Holy Land all wrote of the desolation of the lands around Jerusalem - the Holy land - unkempt, run-down and mostly uninhabited.
Arab resistance to the Jewish state of Israel began in 1948 but climaxed in 1967 when Israelis made the physical link to the remains of the ancient Jewish 2nd temple - the moment all Jews date as their people's return to their promised land - notwithstanding that European Jews have no direct DNA link to Sephardic Jews who have always lived in the region.
On reconciliation, nearly every Arab state is planning to establish normal diplomatic relations with the state of Israel - the latest: the UAE. Saudi Arabia is in talks with Israel to normalise diplomatic relations.