greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 21
st, 2022 at 1:14pm:
before Cook and for a long time after Aborigines raped murdered and ate children.
they still rape and murder children but as far as I know they have stopped eating them.
So that is some progress.
Now if they would just stop raping and murdering them
Do non-indigenous people rape and murder children, Boris?
I'm curious. [/quote]
OK curious. They do of course but the statistics are vastly different - but due to your lack of intelligence I doubt if you understand those words.
Have a read and try to learn something - which I doubt is even possible.
Available data indicate that Indigenous people are 15 to 20 times more likely than non-Indigenous people to commit violent offences.That is 1,500% to 2,000% more likely to commit violent offences.
So this is OK by you?
The consequences of child sexual abuse are horrifying:
Children have sexual diseases. Children under the age of 10 and as young as 4 are diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis and trichomoniasis [11].
Early exposure to pornography. Children as young as three have been exposed to pornographic material in their homes [12].
Teenage rape. Teenagers rape children, and older children rape very young children.
Higher vulnerability to illness later in life. The younger the child and the more frequent the abuse, the more likely they are to manifest physical symptoms later in life that hint at their trauma. It could be pelvic pain, stomach aches, chronic back pain or more-complex conditions such as autoimmune disease, asthma, psoriasis and type 2 diabetes. Experts call this 'somatisation': physical manifestations of psychological trauma. [13]
Selected statistics
15% Percentage of reported sexual offence incidents in Australia which go to court.
12% Reoffending rate for sexual offences. This percentage drops to less than 5% if offenders enter a special program.
30..50% Estimated proportion of sexually abused children in Australia where the perpetrator was 18 years or younger.
7 Times an Aboriginal child in 2009 is more likely to be sexually abused than a non-Aboriginal child. 700%
6 Times an Aboriginal woman in 2012 is more likely to be sexually abused than a non-Aboriginal woman. 600%
14% Proportion of children on South Australian Aṉangu, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (APY) Aboriginal lands who have been sexually abused. Same rate for all of SA population: 0.12%.
42% Proportion of perpetrators of sexual abuse towards Aboriginal women who are non-Aboriginal; who are Aboriginal: 41%; who are both (e.g. pack rapes): 17%
Source: Aboriginal sexual abuse - Creative Spirits, retrieved from