Just because you label an event or belief a conspiracy theory, it doesn't mean that the theory is not true.
Is it a conspiracy theory that;
the Australian gov. built a Covid-19 quarantine remand center, costing taxpayers $1.5M per week to run? And, costing $580M to build?
the Australian gov. wanted to vaccinate all pets in Australia for Covid-19?
the Australian gov. recommended that severely ill children 6 months to <5 years be vaccinated with this drug? Especially, those children who were immunocompromised and disabled?
the Australian gov. required Australians to download tracking apps, and required Australian citizens to carry Covid-19 passports and certificates, as proof of their vaccine status? And, to be used in a number of social settings? ons-vaccine-passports-and-certificates
the police did arrest/fine people for NOT wearing mask, walking in parks, sunbaking on the beach, or gathering in small groups? And, that they even arrested a pregnant mother in her home, for organizing an anti-lockdown rally on Facebook?
the Australian gov. closed down its national borders to all overseas travelers, who were not Australian citizens or residents?
If anyone had told me that any of these events would be happening in Australia 3 years ago, I would've called them all CONSPIRACY THEORISTS!
The only stats about this flu virus we should be focusing on, are the mortality rate(0.1%), and the survivability/recovery rate(99.9%). Everything else is just theatrics, insinuations, inferences, omissions, and fear-mongering. All to give the political optics of a government in control of a pandemic. And, to justify destroying the dreams, hopes, and freedoms of all Australians. And, almost destroying the entire Australian economy.
How could any rational thinking person looking at 10,130,283 confirmed Covid-19cases, and 10,016,828 confirmed Covid-19 recoveries, conclude that this virus is in anyway more virulent than even the Measles?
The government's biggest mistake, was when it started mandating compliance by the public. And later, started to coerce/force compliance by the public. Once voluntary compliance became compulsory compliance or else, people began to do their own research for the truth. And, the hype soon just didn't fit the reality. No matter how many convoluted ways the fear-mongering narrative was spun by the media, over 98% of all Covid-19 victims were still surviving. Vaccinated or not!
People who claim that mRNA vaccines are better at fighting pathogens, than their own immune system, do NOT understand human physiology, or what vaccines actually do. And, people who believe that man can prevent ANY virus from infecting ANYONE, do NOT understand what a virus is or what it does.
So again, other than telling me what a conspiracy theory is, what specifically IS the conspiracy theory about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and Covid-19? The one that "anti-vaxxers are using?