Carl D wrote on Jan 8
th, 2023 at 10:57am:
I'm sure all other Australian States and Territories would say the same thing in their Health Acts.
But, as long as the majority of the population have never seen or read a Health Act our Federal and State/Territory governments can ignore their obligations regarding Public Health (which has now been replaced with "Personal Responsibility") and continue with their "pandemic is over" deceit.
This is just an argument from ignorance. You have no idea if the majority of Australians have read, or even understands their state's Health Act. And, even if every man woman and child, has read and understood their government's obligations regarding the Public Health Acts, JUST HOW FAR WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO GO IN DRAFTING AND ACTIONING PUBLIC HEALTH POLICIES AND PROTOCOLS? To the letter?
How much of our personal freedoms, liberties, security, privacy, and basic right to happiness, would you be willing to sacrifice for the "greater Good"? Especially, for a disease that is less lethal than the Measles? A disease with a mortality rate of 0.1%?
How many jobs would you be willing to end? How many "non-essential"(??) businesses would you be willing to close down? How many of our job industries would you be willing to destroy? How many vaccinations and boosters would you say would be enough? And, just how long would you be willing to keep Australia isolated from the rest of the world?
What penalties would you impose of those who were not compliant? How would you prevent a virus, that is neither dead or alive, and smaller than the wavelength of visible light, from infecting anyone? Would you become a neoliberal medical fascist? Or, would you have the courage to challenge medical education orthodoxy, that may be the driving force behind millions of premature deaths?
In the 1,080 days of this "pandemic", the average daily deaths over this period is 16 deaths. This represents only 3% of ALL deaths in Australia per day. 97% of all daily deaths are from other causes. So cherry-picking and highlighting the stats from a specific week, is just being intellectually dishonest. People might think that these stats are the norm, when you omit context. I'm sure that there were weeks where there were much fewer deaths, right? How many cases, and how many recoveries happened during that week?
Also, the average number of
daily cases over this pandemic period is 10.4K cases. This means that on any given day, only 0.03% of the Australian population was infected. Or, that 99.3% of the population was NOT infected.
Dnarever wrote on Jan 8
th, 2023 at 10:45am:
This view is dependant on believing a group of conspiracy theories.
How do you objectively know that this claim is true? Supposition? Again, what ARE these conspiracy theories that you keep claiming? And, are these conspiracies true or false? And, why?
I believe that our natural immune system is more than capable of protecting us from any serios illness, or even dying from the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. Before vaccines were available, there was a little over 900 deaths(909). How many deaths today? You're claiming that by taking an artificially-lab-created "counter-measure", indefinitely, that it will protect us in the same way!! This is an extraordinary claim. You now have the burden of proof.
Again, it is only the mortality and recovery rates that are important in determining the virulency of this virus. NOT THE NUMBER OF CASES! A disease where 99.9% of its victims recover, should not have reached this level of cult status. And, considering that not all of the 99.9% of victims were in the best of health, this would indicate that you might need to be nearly-dead already, to succumb to this virus. IMHO
It is also pure arrogance, to believe that we humans can control and manipulate the basic functions of our own internal systems. Without causing any adverse consequences. We would need to be even MORE arrogant to claim that we can stop a virus from infecting us. One would need to be either profoundly gullible, biologically illiterate, cognitively challenged, or all of the above, to believe either claims.
The only thing worse than having no prior knowledge on this subject, is having just a little!