Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
Well... considering that Sir Lastnail has never posted one single accredited
scientific fact to prove any of his absurd claims, it's actually difficult to
disprove those claims—such as they are LOL.
Thank you for responding. I'm afraid that most people are just not science-literate enough, to be able to decern between what is scientific fact, and what is scientific opinion. Let alone are able to decide which sources are unbiased, accredited, credible, or peer-reviewed(not what you think it means).
Most people simply seek out only the information that will confirm their biased beliefs and values(confirmation bias). Instead of considering ALL the facts objectively, they will simply ignore or discredit any information that doesn't support/confirm their own narrative/beliefs.
If you don't already have a working understanding/knowledge of how the immune system works, how vaccines work, what causes vaccine side effects(adverse events), or how pathogens effect the body, then how could you defend your position against someone who does know? Let me address your concerns.
Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
Firstly, he claims the pandemic is one big hoax
perpetrated by "big pharma" and governments.
This would mean that he thinks that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does NOT exist. That doctors, researchers, and all healthcare professionals, etc., throughout the world, have all been complicit in an almost 3 year hoax. I doubt that he(or anyone else) believes that Covid-19 is just a media-contrived and manufactured hoax.
Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
He only ever cites acknowledged conspiracy sites
and/or quack medical doctors, such as Kory, Mercola,
Buttar, Malone et al.
Even if a site(or person) is an acknowledged conspiracy site, that doesn't mean that ALL information from that site should be dismissed/ignored as just another conspiracy site. That would be another fallacy. Even a broken watch will get the time right twice a day.
Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
He repeatedly claims that the vaccines are nothing
more than "monkey snot" but is unable to list their
actual ingredients.
Firstly, no one knows ALL the ingredients that is in any of these Covid-19 vaccines. Except for the manufacturers. Also, only the Jenssen/Johnson & Johnson, and the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines use viral vectors to ferry the genetic instructions into the muscle cells. This viral vector is a modified version of the adenovirus(Ad26). It is normally found in chimpanzees. Where it is known to cause a mild cold in chimps. So, "monkey snot" is just a colorful and editorialized stretch.
Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
He claims that more vaccinated people die from
COVID than the unvaccinated, but with no evidence.
If we ignore all the selective stats, time periods, inclusion of the non-fully vaccinated, and other cleverly selected statistical fallacies(base rate), common sense should tell us, that if over 90% of the population is vaccinated, then the majority of deaths will be from the vaccinated majority. Which is exactly what we would expect. This virus is NOT sentient or selective.
Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
He falsely and repeatedly claims Dr Anthony Fauci is
a liar and/or he said that (bizarrely!) infection is the
best protection against... uh... infection!
Like you, he is entitled to his own opinions. And, so is Dr. Fauci. I agree that the antibodies that are produced naturally, are more versatile, and more adaptive than any antibodies produced artificially. So yes, becoming infected is the best protection from being reinfected by this virus, or ANY of its variants.
Sir lastnail wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 8:25pm:
—One doesn't need membership of MENSA in order to
laugh at each and every one of these nonsensical claims.
This is very true. Especially, if all you're going to do is laugh at every one of his claims.