Captain Nemo wrote on Jan 4
th, 2023 at 10:34am:
Steampipe wrote on Jan 3
rd, 2023 at 1:26pm:
I have been planning my retirement for the last 7 years and just had six months long service so I could decide if I was ready for retirement. I just turned 60 before xmas and will now burn up my accrued sick leave and finish work in two months.
I have never been so busy helping my children, travelling, gardening, spending time with my wife and enjoying life. I intend to spend winters travelling.
I have read for a good retirement you need about 80,000 a year if you have no debts.
If debt free, you don't need $80,000 a year to "survive" in retirement.
About $40,000 is enough, but if you want extensive travel, then you would need more.
I retired early and it was the best thing I ever did - I was in a very stressful role : on-call production support for business critical IT systems.
I'm much happier now.
I plan to live in Italy for 6-12 months, having spent a lot of time there it is cheaper to live there than at home.
I have factored in a couple of bad years economy wise but money is not the issue for me, I have sold all my rentals and cashed up.
You don't realize how stressful work is until you stop, even when on holidays you know in the back of your mind you have to return to work and that itself is stressful.
Most people will retire with to much money and spend the best years of their life working to have too much money when they die.