aquascoot wrote on Jan 11
th, 2023 at 10:35am:
If Greta had finished school she may have been exposed to wonderful books such as the art of warStephen covey the 7 habits of highly effective people or even Napoleon Hills how to win Friends and influence people
Except Greta started by herself the 'strike for climate' on Fridays revolution that spread all around the world...and you are asking her to learn how to influence people? Blimey.....she was invited to speak to the UNGA.
Quote:She seems as the environmental princess to be dedicated to saving the planet
And such remarks relegate you to the category of unitelligent "redneck deplorables".
She is merely advocating for what scientists have already examined ie AGW, and what is required to "save the planet". Stop being envious of her celebrity status (cf the other POS who lost out in a confrontation with her. .
Quote:If she was truly wise instead of a precocious brat
coming from a Rush Limbaugh nut job like you....don't worry about conscience/fairness, just go for your own "success" (read: money maximization), don't let the evil "socialists" drag you down, the poor deserve to be poor. etc etc.
Quote:She would understand that India and China are the keys to reducing global emissions
Almost to the point that they are the only game in town
Read my previous post to Lisa, above.
Quote:And yet she goes on Twitter and insults president xi and tells China and India they have to bear the burden of reducing emissions and to lift their game
And that's what you are saying, no?
Fact is every nation has a HUGE task to close filthy fossils
Quote:Xi that Greta is becoming a bit of a chubba
She shames him so he shames her rather marshmallow ish body And suddenly a flame war is on
So Greta doesn't understand the points I made to Lisa? Quite probably. China is already the world's largest producer of renewable energy.
Quote:If perhaps Greta could give up a week of activism
And read Stephen covey she would understand that the number one rule
Is to seek first to understand before asking to be understood
Coming from an
individual rights before/above collective wellbeing ideologue like yourself, laughable.
See the thread on Delusions of Western Classical Liberalism.
Quote:When xi s trying to lift people out of poverty
That's right, China will have to keep burning coal for some time until most are in the middle class, because
coal is still the cheapest means to base load energy. The rich 1st world doesn't have that constraint.
Quote:And a precocious autistic teenager is weaponizing the do-gooder lefties against him
It goes to show how little they are interested in an outcome
You sticking up for Xi......funny.....but thanks for your understanding, perhaps you can explain it to Lisa.
Quote:And how much they are just interested in remaining in their own low vibration energy
Negative toxic egotistical histrionik frustrated discontent
Ah.. still the delusion of all that exclusivist/exceptionalist crap. We are not all Einsteins, or Miss Universes, yet we all have something to contribute.
Quote:It would be better for the climate if Elon closed her account
Free speech, ain't it..