Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 8
th, 2023 at 4:27pm:
A majority of voters decides which rights we have, or don't have. The Labs and the Conservatives have decided for everyone ever since 1901 in Australia
Indeed , there are no "inalienable rights".
Quote:Voters who are in the minority on an issue are dictated to by the majority
Correct. In China, issues are decided by consensus...but even so, someone's views will be brushed aside ..hopefully, the least efficacious views...
Quote:So we are not all equal, the majority wins every time, and the minority is left out in the cold every time. Rights of the minority are less than the majority"s
Correct, but we cannot all have our own views accepted in government, by definition. Only the consensus, or majority view in a democracy, can manifest itself as law.
Quote:The Libs and Labs have dictated to us that a newly formed politic party doesn't have the right to claim certain benefits unless it has 1,500 members. And we don't have the right to freedom any longer if they bring back military conscription, some will lose their freedom, a lot won't - inequality at it's worst
Quote:We don't have the right to voluntarily buy third party motoring insurance, the Libs and Labs said so. And those two arrogant groups also said we don't have the right to vote voluntarily
Quote:The Libs and Labs get their jollies by diminishing our human rights, ever since 1901 it's been happening, and the longer they are ruling us, the less rights we'll have. We hardly even have the right to self-defense, and again, the Libs and Labs have made it that way
Now you are straying: you need to define those "rights".
Certainly the bastards who attacked a man and woman in their own home, killing the woman with a knife, while the couple were attempting to prevent their vehicle from being stolen, should be 'hung out to dry'.
Quote:The Libs and Labs and their supporters pick and choose which rights we can have, all because that duo LibLab majority get to dictate how things are going to be
That's the adversarial 2 party system; it appears to be breaking down as more independents are being elected, and the primary vote of both Lib and Lab are now in the low30%s.
Quote:It's always the majority versus the minority ... and the majority is perpetually the Libs and Labs ... and I would argue, they mostly ignore Human Rights and selfishly make up rights as they go along according to their expediency to keep ruling Australia, stay in power.
One day it has to come to an end, this century hopefully, for the sake of younger generations
Perhaps the nation can introduce better law, if we replace the misleading proposition: "
we are all created equal" (ie, before the law, or in the sight of God), with "we are all equal before created (man-made) law".
The Creator created the world and with it, life - not the "rights" which we claim for ourselves.