Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 8
th, 2023 at 8:26pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 8
th, 2023 at 12:16pm:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood
That is basically a pipe dream
I think all the words before "should" are NOT a pipe dream.....even the "dignity" bit: Jesus was born in a cow- shed...and "rights" are what "reason and conscience" decide them to be.
Quote:I loved, for a while, Jeremy Griffith's WTM, but apparently most of us are too 'psychologically conflicted' to join - I was refused admission....
Quote:In the meantime, our politicians will continue to be self interested bastards intent on imposing their will on us whether we like it or not, they carry on like a God, much like the Communist party in China
Well, we are all blindly groping toward "good governance"...
Quote:Actually, we don't have rights in Australia, inalienable or otherwise, why we're talking about existing rights, I don't know ... and laws are not rights, laws can be changed when Lib Lab politicians feel like changing them
So - like graps, you need to define "rights"; presumably you have in mind "rights" which don't require governments to establish, but exist through "reason and conscience"?
Quote:What we need to do, is get rid of the "bastard" in the Libs and Labs ... but that won't be easy to do because once a bastard, always a bastard
I'll grant you one thing, we need to change our ethos of character and disposition in political matters, and not leave it to just two parties to tell us what common sense we should live under, it's only their opinion, compared to, and versus, everyone elses' opinions. And while ever the Libs and Labs rule Australia, it's their opinions that prevail ... and that's contrary to their preached principle of "diversity"
So ...a parliament composed entirely of independents?