Karnal wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2023 at 2:28pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2023 at 5:53am:
Bloody guns again.
Also - if there are so many guns in America why didn't someone shoot the shooter?
What's the answer - more guns?
More chaos.
Read your Nietzsche, Bobby. The Superior Man likes to mix things up a bit. He's a real party animal.
Take Jeff. He had the island, the playboy mansion, the cars and private jets. He had more girls than he knew what to do with - even if some were a little on the younger side; he was a great guy to party with.
Your chode just does what he's told. The leftards boss him round like a bunch of nannies. Take your vax, watch your Netflix, eat your KFC. And don't ask any pesky questions about guns, okay?
The Superior Man, he on "the narrow road to success", gets himself a gun and shoots up a shopping mall or school to make things interesting. That's showing a bit of get-up-and-go, no?
Your chode just does what he's told. They live lives of pure garbage, so that's to be expected. Every time there's a new mass shooting, your chode recites his thoughts and prayers, as you do.
The Superior Man gives a wink and a cheeky grin. He cherishes his pioneering roots, the decimation of the injuns, slavery, the Confederates, Jim Crow. He embraces a life of chaos.
the suprerior man does NOT shoot up anything.
BUT the superior man accepts that if something happens it is his own perspective that determines if he becomes a whiney infant about it or accepts what happened happened, because it happened.
he is ok with whatever happens and is not in resistance to life.
thus he is at peace .
he does not need to have everything just perfect so that he can feel ok
that way of living (very common for the chode) is exhausting
the superior man accepts everything , warts and all and prides himself on his ability to remain emotionally stable
then he gets into action taking momentum and tries to alter things for the better.
venting fear on the internet is not changing a thing
it is all ego driven
the ego wants desperately to survive.
hence people who are very upset by mass shootings have too much attachment to ego.
they need to stop seeing themselves as the centre of the universe and develop some humility
I see. So you're championing the virtues of resilience, humility and personal reflection, whilst warning of the errors of hubris, vanity and butthurt victimhood.