greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 23
rd, 2023 at 12:19pm:
..You don't see annual leave, sick pay, meal breaks, superannuation, maternity leave, penalty rates, etc. as benefits?
I worked for 30 to 40 years on and off as a self-employed engineering
consultant working through contract agencies in Australia and the UK.
I was never a union member in all those years, and never received the
benefits you list here:
Annual leave, sick pay, meal breaks, superannuation, maternity leave,
penalty rates etc.I also had to fund my own superannuation and income protection.
As far as my rates of pay were concerned, it was up to me to negotiate
directly with the companies I worked for, both at the start of my contract
and through the tenure of longer contracts, which sometimes extended for
24 or 36 months.
As a self-employed contractor, the Association of Architects, Engineers,
Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia (AAESDA) would not accept
self-employed engineers as members; only salaried or wages people.
So we were left to fight our own pay battles.
And all this is one of the reasons I'm against any additional public holidays
such as the Victorian grand final Friday holiday, King's Birthday, Labour (
sic) Day ,
Melbourne Cup Day, Easter Monday, and all the public holidays "manufactured"
in lieu of those falling on Saturdays or Sundays.
This year for example New Year's Day fell on a Sunday, so we make the
following Monday a gazetted public holiday. This is itself is absurd, and
costs the average engineering contract worker (say) $500, while the
salaried engineer pockets that amount. Is that fair? Not really, when
you multiply that by the 13 public holidays in Victoria. ($6,500 in total. Ouch!)
Another massive taxpayer savings could be made in a very simple manner.
State and Federal public servants should work on weekday public holidays,
or if not, then they would not be paid for public holidays. This could save
potentially billions of dollars annually if the second option were taken.
And yes; I believe Australia employs far too many public servants (
at all three government levels, with far too many of those sitting in comfortable,
overpaid niches, and protected by aggressive, untouchable unions.
(But that's a topic for another thread.)