greggerypeccary wrote on Feb 8
th, 2023 at 3:05pm:
If the failed former president
did actually claim that DeSantis had been
"grooming underage girls" or was a "pedophile", then he's stepping into
very risky legal territory. He could (rightly) find himself facing yet
anothercriminal charge—for publication of malicious defamatory content.
A more salient point however is Captain Bonespur's absolute stupidity in
attacking a fellow GOP member with such vile, unfounded accusations.
Does he not realise that this makes him look more desperate, more of a
fool, and more out of touch with the electorate? It can only further weaken
peoples' already less than stellar view of the GOP surely?
![... ...](
At any rate, none of the people in the image can be identified as a 100%
certainty. It
does look like a lot like a 23-year-old DeSantis, but as for the
females it's difficult to say without seeing an unpixelated image. They could
be 18 or 20 or even 25 years of age. Until they're identified, we'll never know.
And as I've said before, I reckon this type of outlandish behaviour is simply
a sign that Captain Bonespurs is facing early onset dementia. His mindset
and public actions would indicate he's becoming more out of touch with the
real world around him. And he's becoming more of a laughing stock with
the wider public.
Would they or will they vote for someone who has the intellect of Bozo the clown?
Although to be fair to Bozo, at least he wasn't a draft dodger.