Quote:Keith Strong@drkstrong
CORONAL HOLE ALERT - 2023.04.01: Another coronal hole in moving into position to send high-speed solar wind at Earth. It is the long thin N-S dark area just west of Sun center. It is long enough that it cannot miss us but is so narrow that it will likely have no effect on Earth.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fsq2K4iXsAQsx8A?format=jpg&name=small Quote:Keith Strong@drkstrong·7h
CME WATCH - 2023.04.01: Busy day! We start with a minor CME off the NW limb followed by the spectacular one from the LDE event (see earlier tweet). Next a fainter CME in the SW, and another off the S. Pole region. We have a faint halo CME almost simultaneous with one in the SE.
Quote:Keith Strong@drkstrong·7h
Jupiter photobombs the Sun! The bright object in the bottom left of this image of the outer solar corona from the SOHO LASCO C3 instrument is Jupiter on the far side of the Sun (i.e., about as far away from Earth as it can get). It will drift westward over the next week or so.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fsq78fcXoAAPMmA?format=png&name=smallThis is really fascinating! Sunspots, sunspot regions. filaments, flares and CMEs from sunspot regions, coronal holes, suicidal comets flying too close to the sun like a modern day Icarus! Some comets/meteorites may escape their grazing contact with the sun!
I did not start this series of posts right from the start of Solar Cycle 25. To make up for that I will keep this going to the end of SC25 and a year or two into SC26. There will be summaries etc as well.
Also—will read up on the sun and post some of the science here. This will be fascinating!