The Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) has
carried out research into cybercrime that indicates Baby Boomers are
more cognisant than all other age demographics about the dangers
of this type of criminal activity.
This may surprise a lot of the smug, younger generations who perceive
us oldies as tired, dopey old codgers with one foot in the grave.
Ha! I have news for them!
The results don't surprise me though, as I was using computers well
before those young smartarses were even leaving snail trails on their
parents' sheets.
Note in particular the pathetic security awareness of the first "digital
natives" —Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2010). Surely the Gen Zs
should be the most aware of cybercrime, or are they just too stupid
or too lazy to care? And who should we blame for an entire generation
of technological dummies? Parents? Schools? Trump?
The research was conducted in Nov/Dec last year, with the findings drawn
from a survey of more than 2,100 business owners and employees.