Brian Ross wrote on Feb 22
nd, 2023 at 9:36pm:
Mortdooley wrote on Feb 22
nd, 2023 at 9:18pm:
There was a promise that there would be no new members added to NATO after the fall of the Soviet Union. How well was that promise kept?
You can hardly blame that on, Biden, mate. It was all the fault of his predecessors and of course, Putin (because of his invasion of Ukraine). They resisted the urge to allow Georgia into NATO.
Biden following through on US pushed NATO expansionism didn't help one bit. In the end, the push from NATO forced Russia with no other alternative. Two wrongs not making a right obviously.
Don't blame Trump. He tried to make NATO take on more for its own cause, rather than rely on the USA. He wasn't into expansionism of USA. He even made that clear to a paranoid NK thinking the USA a threat because of past hurt.
Trump took the peaceful options, the political options rather than military. Though he made it quite clear he wouldn't hesitate in action if a mile was taken over the metre he gave them.
How do you think Australia felt about the Solomons with China brian? Yeah - we know all about that.
How do you think Australia would react if PNG joined China? C'mon - do tell us what you think?
Then there was that Cuba thing back in the day with the USA. What was their reaction?
You're just supporting 'warmongering', nothing more, nothing less. Politics is about seeking peaceful solutions - not war, especially when it comes to the higher possibility of a World War. But as long as Biden isn't on the front line, what does he care?
All those Ukrainians and even Russians - dead. All because of NATO 'expansionism' when they promised, in writing - not to.