I am under no illusion, that after decades of anti-Russian depictions and propaganda by America(and its NATO lackey), that I will ever make a dent in the cognitive bias of the typical red white and blue toady sycophant. They will always find a way to rationalize and justify anything that the US does as good or necessary. Including, foreign executions, war crimes(Abu Ghraib), murders(Soleimani), covert terrorism, illegal foreign occupation(Syria), racism, or even forcing regime changes, and overthrowing governments.
I have absolutely zero respect for any country where its leaders can continually, and openly lie to its people. And still, the people continue to believe it(WMD's, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Bay of Pigs, etc.). I have absolutely zero respect for any country that has roughly 750 foreign military bases in over 80 countries. This is 3 times the number of foreign military bases, than all the other countries COMBINED(Russia has 36).
I have zero respect for a country that always runs its government at a budget deficit(spends more than it receives). And, is the most indebted nation on the planet($32T in national debt, NOT total debt!). The total amount of circulating money in the world is around $40T.
I have zero respect for a country that keeps promising domestic/foreign policy reforms every election year, but delivers nothing(minimum wages, universal healthcare, cheaper drugs, etc.). No change!
I have zero respect for a country that must be the military bitch for the no.1 terrorist country in the world(Saudi Arabia). If the US refuses, the Saudis could change the petrol dollars from $US to another currency. This would not only cripple the US's "floating dollar" economy, but the US could no longer threaten any country with sanctions. In fact, other countries could now threaten the US with sanctions.
I have zero respect for any country that ignores its own Constitution whenever it suits them(Congressional approval for all foreign military actions).
I have zero respect for any country that lies, breaks treaties(Iran), or abandons allies(Kurds, Iraq, Gaddafi), whenever it suits their latest agenda.
Finally, I have zero respect for any country that could elect an openly bigoted, racist, misogynistic, narcissistic, twice impeached, lying conman as their leader. And later, elect a senile octogenarian as their next leader. Clearly, Americans are NOT serious about having social changes. They just love watching the soapy-like political shows, and hearing again the same promises for change every 4 years. Or, MOTSS.
Anyway, back to the topic. There are four reasons why the US/NATO should abandon this insanity. IMHO
One. There is no legal/NATO/international statute, that directly gives any country the right to arm, or provide military support to any countries engaged in a military conflict. Arming nations for defense-only, ignores the actual cause for the conflict in the first place. And, it sets a very dangerous precedence for other nations to follow.
Should NATO/US adopt the policy of defending any nations being attacked by another nation? Did this alliance provide defensive assistance to the Palestinians, when they were being attacked by Israel? How about the Kurds in Iraq, or the Houthi rebels in Yemen? Where was this defensive support from NATO??
Two. NATO/US armed support, may be killing more Russian soldiers, but it is also prolonging the conflict, creating a refugee crisis, destroying/razing the entire country, and increasing the number of Ukrainian body bags. With no exit strategy in sight, this proxy conflict may come down to the LAST Ukrainian standing!
Three. There are 5 NATO Democratic countries that border Russia. All are armed with nukes or other missiles aimed at Moscow. NATO has always claimed that their military exercises, and armaments are for defense only(just like Cuba claimed about its missiles). So Russia should NOT feel an existential threat to their security? Are you kidding?? Four. Russia has around 2K tactical nukes. The US has around 200 tactical nukes. The US is now sending its watered-down nukes into the fray. What do you think will happen, when the US tells that star-struck idiotic US puppet(Zelensky), that he should use these weapons only as defensive weapons? And, who do you think Russia will blame when they are used against Russian soldiers? This is how the US strategizes. "Plausible Deniability"!! It's the true American way!!,Turkey%2C%20Belgium%20and%20the%20Netherlands.
Since nobody chooses any of the circumstances of their birth(place, race, gender, time, etc.), nationalism and patriotism produces only the arrogance that foster elitism, and aggression towards other nations. This conflict has nothing to do with me. But if we keep upping the intensity of this conflict, only the Ukrainian people will suffer. The Ukraine has already lost almost 30% of its territory. And, if we keep bragging about the number of Russians killed, and about Russian incompetence, this conflict will have everything to do with me. And, the rest of the world.
This will go down in history, as the nuclear war we could've easily avoided. But don't worry! Biden said, that he doesn't think Putin will use tactical nukes! No matter how much we provoke him!