Might have been the last pure relics left in the world given all that in-breeding and out-breeding.....
We admire our red-haired and freckled boongs with skinny noses and stuff and white skin.... always happy to accept their self-identification as true boongs from the heartland...
Mt Warning might be a ridge too far, though.... I don't think the Australian people are going to let any politician get away with some rip-off like that these days... we've had enough of their shenanigans... time they were made to toe the line....
Hmm - another land grab... getting ready to hand them over to the Boongs.... typical pharken government these days... Fascists in disguise and full of themselves and over-fed on your money.... and just as free with it.....
We saw you Parrot's Tits.... and now pharken Minns in Labor.... Jesus christ - what a choice.... which one will sell us all out first and fastest? Vote for NONE of them.... I'm voting for whoever opposes the grabs of national parks and other land for this handover insanity.
"The acquisition of five western stations by NSW National Parks now totals almost 400,000 hectares in the last year. If you add on travelling stock routes, a large land 'grab' would appear to be underway."Gonna make a viable business out of it, aren't they? Sure, sure.... we've seen that one before, too... if they want it, let them buy it like anyone else and make a go of it.... or once they f
ck it as usual, you could use it for part of Aborassic Park... otherwise known as Ruger National Park during the hunting season...
They know all about cattle... maybe aqua could come on over and advise them on the proper ways of doing it... it's one thing to ride a horse and round 'em' up, head 'em out, move 'em in... it's another to run a business... been tried before... governments are so stupid in their virtue posturing - just keep trying the same stupidity over and over and robbing us all to do it to try to satisfy some small group who will never be satisfied and who have yet to make a success of a 'venture' handed to them for free.
Time to cut 'em loose and let 'em sink or swim.
Definitely A Ridge Too Far....