Well I can understand the Republican desire for 'revenge' and the need to protect its Oil networking.
I mean - the Democrats got Saddam to do the dirty work and war with Iran to get rid of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Then when Saddam said "Pay up" to the CIA - they told him to get stuffed. So he took Kuwait as compensation.
So, as your good clip provides - the Propaganda Machine of the American Media went into B/S mode like a Communist Propaganda machine and conned lots of nations (who were also probably worried about their Oil status) to hunt for these Weapons of Mass Destruction (Airliners). Considering the American Pilots were on Amphetamines and killing their 'Friendly Fire' - the Iraqis were nothing more than men armed with sandles against the 'Terminators' from USA.
But with the Democrat's involvement with this Ukraine episode. Not only does it make for a good distraction away from how the People of America are coping under Biden's term (as the American Media hardly reports on anything of the People of America)? But it is just War-Mongering and exploiting. Even if the Russians will default on the Ukraine War - which they will. The Ukrainians will then be in debt up to their eye-balls to the USA for all the military toys they've had to buy from the USA. Let alone the debts they will have to rebuild their country - because America won't. NATO Europe 'might'. If Russia conquers Ukraine - then it will be up to Russia to raise the country again. At least the Ukrainians won't have to pay the massive $$$$ to America for all the armaments.
So the difference of the Republicans to the Democrats is that the Republicans had a justified excuse - but conning the rest of the world into it, was a very bad move. But hey two wrongs don't make a right.
As we see in the Ukraine.
Gorby folded the USSR for Regan decades ago upon the promise in writing, that the USA/NATO will cease any 'expansionism' into non-NATO and former USSR nations. Of course within 10 years later - the USA is pushing NATO into other European countries with their sales pitches.
Russia really had no choice.
The Cherokee Indians had two Chiefs.
One for the Red Party of War
One for the White Party of Peace.
As we see in the USA.
There 'was' a Grey South Confederacy (Rebels) who were held accountable for their Domestic Crime (Blacks).
There is still a Blue North Democrat (Yankee) Party who should be held accountable for their International Crimes (especially against Yellows).
The Red (East) Republican Party are waiting for the Blue North Democrats to hang themselves.
While waiting for the so-called White Supremacists to 'peacefully' create the White West(ern) Party.
Out with the Grey South and Blue North.
In with the Red East and White West.
The White Party of Peace and the Red Party of War.