Correct me if I'm wrong, by all means.
But the 'vibe' I got was that Redmond Neck, having made 'friends' with the Trolls as Monk.PA. began to undermine Black Orchids reign and created discord and deceit at FD's PA. Then when he became Admin - his low IQ showed (hence why he just 'waffles') and once he done the dirty work for Monk/Trolls.PA. they turned on him and he came back to OzPol with his tail between his legs crying how bad they really are at Monk/Trolls.PA (as if we all don't know this?

But the damage was done and Redmond Neck allowed Aussie to get his foothold in FD's PA with Black Orchid deposed.
As we know see, Aussie convinced FD to make him Admin (though he stresses often that FD 'asked him' to) though this may have been out of sad desperation by FD.
Now Monk/Trolls.PA have been attacking Aussie because he's jilted them to gain FD's PA for himself (he's a power-monger) so that he can as usual - bully the female members there. So I wouldn't even doubt that the whole Aussie v Monk/Trolls.PA is a 'rouse' as you'll see Aussie let that Mob into FD's PA and the end result will be....
Trolls control both PA Forums. Monk, Aussie, Smith, Mothra and Peccary love nothing better to try and tear down FD and OzPol. Maybe FD just laughs at their attempts? But with both PA's to be TROLL Caves - I as a member am somewhat dissapointed.
If I was Admin of FD's PA. I would incorporate the same 'successful' attitude and wisdom to save the Travel Board and progress it back into a great contribution via the right Mod for the job.
I have no doubt I could bring not just stability to the Forum - but a safe haven for Members to exist without Trolls.
Sappho once gave me some wise advice long ago.
Now I think I will take her up on that.
So FD 'Almighty One' - you won't allow an Election for me to Mod The Tavern Board. You won't allow me to become a Gmod to help Setanta out and take a load off VIC who is going through a lot. Considering your other Gmods have basically defaulted.
Well why don't you just step in and either make another Election with someone more than just Aussie and Redmond or just send a bolt of lightning down and make me the Admin??
Truth is folks - Aussie is smart, but he is inherently still evil and you know he's still in league with the Monk/Trolls because he doesn't push for his $money back guarantee.

The even greater Truth is that FD won't make me Admin or even force another Election with me in it for his PA.
Sorry Members. But I tried.