Black Orchid wrote on Mar 24
th, 2023 at 8:49pm:
John Smith wrote on Mar 24
th, 2023 at 8:39pm:
Black Orchid wrote on Mar 24
th, 2023 at 8:13pm:
Yes it was doing just fine. Everyone left when the mongs were allowed back
Utter Crap. You killed the sewer with years of your stupidity. There were about 3 regular posters there when you ran away and others were allowed back.
1. I didn't run away. I did my time and moved on.
2. I can list more than a dozen members who took off when you idiots brought your brand of stupidity back to PA. None of them were interested in a 3 way childish forum/blog war. It might be a surprise to you but normal people just cringe watching that lunacy.
3. They post at my place now, along with many others, so I guess it wasn't me who ran them off.
You didn't have a dozen regular posters, you may have had a dozen morons who never posted but would suddenly make an appearance when it's election time, only to disappear again later. Even Goober conceded at the end of his term that they came on only to cry about letting others on,
and then disappear. Funny that ehh, you and aussie have similar tactics.
But Let's pretend for one second that there were a dozen, the forum was thriving when you started, you banned everyone you claimed was turning people away ... why did everyone leave given you were doing such a great job? You cry about the flame wars but in my short time there YOU were the one who allowed it. You even made iqismissing, one of the main instigators, your mod.
You need to stop pretending and accept responsibility. You were in the driver's seat and you drove it over a cliff. You were a useless mod as well as a moron.