Chris Busby: Europe May Face Cancer, Birth Defects Akin to Fallujah if Kiev Uses Depleted Uranium
The use of uranium ammunition pushed by the UK will cause irreversible harm to the health of the military and civilian population of Ukraine and beyond, the Russian Defense Ministry has warned. Dr Chris Busby, the scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, told Sputnik that Moscow's fears are completely justified.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accurately identified depleted uranium (DU) munitions as a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) and of indiscriminate effect, emphasized Dr Chris Busby, a physical chemist who has worked for the UK government's uranium committee.
"We were concerned about the reports that were coming from Fallujah about high levels of cancer and birth defects. Since it was impossible to get official data, we decided to run a survey ourselves, in which people went around and knocked on doors and asked who lived in the property, how many people were there, and how many cancers there were, what sort of cancers, how many children had died in the past five years and all these sort of questions," Busby recalled.
He noted that after that, his team analyzed the cancer data that they got over the preceding five years by comparing it with cancer rates in Egypt and in Jordan as a sort of background. They found that the levels of all cancer were enormously high, even higher than in Hiroshima which was subjected to nuclear bombing by the US military on 6 August 1945.
"I've already studied the health effects of the Hiroshima bombing, which are quite well recorded," the scientist continued. "And what we found was that the levels of cancer in Fallujah were higher than that. And the particular cancers that we found were cancers associated with radiation: these were leukemia - particularly leukemia in children - and also lymphoma in children. And that's another disease that you get from radiation, or we believe so. We found out the high level of infant mortality within the first year of life and the cause of these deaths were congenital malformations. We also find out a skewed birth:sex ratio, which is another sign of genetic damage associated with radiation exposure."
When the scientists brought all those results together, they came to the conclusion that there had been some very large genetic damage event which occurred about the time of the Fallujah attacks.
Fallujah Case: Link Found Between DU and Congenital MalformationsBusby and his team suspected that the primary cause of those congenital malformations in Fallujah was DU. The scientist served on the DU committee of the British Ministry of Defense, and he had dealt with lots of reports of ill health associated with serving in the Gulf War by British soldiers.
"I gave evidence on this to the American Congressional Committee on DU and they put me on the board of the Ministry of Defense looking into this sphere," he said. "And because of that, from about 1999 onwards, I was increasingly interested in how it was that uranium, which is a not terribly radioactive substance, could be causing Gulf War syndrome and all the congenital malformation effects that were slowly emerging in the British soldiers and also in the American soldiers."
Iraqi residents living in Fallujah and Arab doctors raised the alarm over the war’s devastating environmental effects in Iraq with a spike in oncological diseases and birth defects in Fallujah. These defects in particular included babies born with only one eye; babies born with missing limbs or too many limbs; a higher than normal incidence of babies with brain damage or tumors; cardiac defects; and missing genitalia.