aquascoot wrote on Apr 4 th, 2023 at 5:15pm: Karnal wrote on Apr 4 th, 2023 at 3:48pm: aquascoot wrote on Apr 4 th, 2023 at 5:16am: Karnal wrote on Apr 3 rd, 2023 at 8:30pm: aquascoot wrote on Apr 3 rd, 2023 at 7:03pm: Karnal wrote on Apr 3 rd, 2023 at 6:53pm: Dnarever wrote on Apr 3 rd, 2023 at 4:28pm: Karnal wrote on Apr 3 rd, 2023 at 10:21am: Quote:you open his mouth and turn the crank and the same stuff comes out . its frankly boring Oh? Not like low-taxed, well-run, law and order states? Most stimulating. I'm sure fiscal policy and public sector efficiency matrixes really float Ron D's boat. Still, it's a lot more fun bussing your illegals up to Washington for the fake news, no? Not exactly efficient interstate liaison, but it's guaranteed a monologue on Tucker. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!! Quote:it's a lot more fun bussing your illegals up to Washington for the fake news, no? Actually he didn't have any illegals - he had to import them. Cost his state a fortune in tax payer funds ( or more likely federal grants) to do it. The issue is that there is a name for doing this. It's called people smuggling. He was very lucky that none of the refugees he moved into freezing climates seem to have died. That wasn't his fault just luck. True, but nothing says low-taxed, well-run, law and order states like bussing your homeless unannounced to Washington DC, now does it? Besides, Ron's using government funded lawyers to fight the civil suit for human trafficking, so that shows thrift, right? He even had laws changed to prevent personal liability, so that shows accountability. No matter how you look at this, Ron comes out smelling like roses - on Fox, anyway. It's a good thing Aquascoot had the volume turned down for Ron's speech. We wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea, no? I think he's switched back to Dear Leader again, it's hard to tell. He must be channel-surfing. you need to be open to all sources . success leaves clues. studying a governor or a president is a worthwhile investment. we also need to study failure. so studying gweg or mattyfisk is a worthwhile investment also Agreed. It might be worth studying how a guy like Sleepy Joe can pass a jobs & infrastructure bill and see unemployment drop to a record low of 3.6%.
It might also be worth reflecting on your view of leaders as entertainers and explore how things actually get done. Either that, or chow down with the chodes, channel surfing Ron D speeches with the sound turned down. incorrect and badly so. young men (chodes) arent even bothered trying, they are so demoralised by the weak sauce administration Unlike the Great Depression, however, today's work crisis is not an unemployment crisis. Only a tiny fraction of workless American men nowadays are actually looking for employment. Instead we have witnessed a mass exodus of men from the workforce altogether. At this writing, nearly 7 million civilian non-institutionalized men between the ages of 25 and 54 are neither working nor looking for work — over four times as many as are formally unemployed. Between 1965 and 2015, the percentage of prime-age U.S. men not in the labor force shot up from 3.3% to 11.7%. Incorrect, eh? Here's Wikipedia, Aquascoot. Feel free to update with your figures. Kindly add your details on the chodes please. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unemployment_in_the_United_States you are becoming as demented as brandon. the whole point is if you add the 3% rate of those looking for work to the 12 % rate of those who couldnt be bothered to look and just live in mums basement, you get 15 %, the highest rate since the great depression of fit healthy men being idle . no way to run an economy when there are record job vacancies in construction , tourism, hospitality and agriculture I know, it's just a bit strange how you omitted that 12% when the big fella was in charge. Look, forget the current stats, you're going to need to go back and change the 2017 ones. Remember how Dear Leader solved Obama's unemployment DISASTER just by hanging out in the Oval Office for 4 hours a day, going on Twitter, playing golf and basicly being awesome? He fixed that crisis up in his first two months, no? Then he moved onto the wall, built 27 km of steel fencing and solved that one too. Put Jared in charge of the Middle East and fixed world peace. Tweeted about Rocket Man and stopped Kim's nukes. Kept Vlad out of Ukraine, got Mexico to agree to pay for the Wall, stopped manufacturing moving to Chi-na, made Europe pay their bills for NATO, and on and on. It would just be nice to set the record straight dear. Can you fix up Wikipedia for us? Cheers.