John Smith wrote on Apr 1
st, 2023 at 8:00pm:
Trashy_Pierre wrote on Apr 1
st, 2023 at 10:02am:
DeSantis says Florida "will not assist" in a Trump "extradition" after grand jury indictment
Desantis is scared of Trump
its wise to be scared of a raging bull in a china shop.
but i dont think ron is a walkover like low energy jeb and little marco.
he's a pretty shrewd operator .
can he outsmart trump?
trump has a lot of hard core fans because america is in low vibration energy (mainly due to their diet and their emtitlement) and trump knows how to "meet those people where they are at"
in this trump is like the head of mcdonalds.
he knows the crap he is feeding his cult is bad for them, but if they are stupid enough to swallow it, he is smart enough to keep serving it.
its the problem for all politicians who need to be elected.
when 90 % of the population are just trying to cope, just trying to survive, then offering them a "thriving" message falls on deaf ears.
so ron has to be pragmatic.
i think he should try to be the superior man.
by this, what ron should do is express himself fully, lay out his plans and then not react to trump at all.
if he reacts, he loses.
its trump superpower, to take up residence in the minds of the loser and live there rent free.
gweg and matty fisk are examples
but if ron can just be "indifferent" to trump
sort of ignore him or tool him with light hearted jokes
he will be on the right course.
i thought when he was asked about stormy, ron handled it very well
"i dont have a lot of experience paying hush money to hookers, but i dont think its illegal? actually, i'm too busy working on jobs and infrastructure to pay attention"
words to that effect.
make trump seem like yeterdays news
sort of act bored when asked about him
sort of act like he bores you and could you ask a relevant question please.
i think ron "gets' it .
be strong confident and competant
you have a great wife, great kids, you are a success and act like you kind of feel sorry for the big fella.
maybe eat a kale salad in front of him
hit the gym
go to the beach with your hot wife and plaster those pics all over billboards.
tell america the 'prince " is here.
own that poo.
the skys the limit for ron but he has to out alpha the alpha.
personally, i havent seen him put a foot wrong yet .