you are such a dumbie matty fisk.
politics is now a reality tv show.
just like reality tv, most of the day is boring and so they just get the few interesting bits and those are the dramatic bits and they sell that to the public and the public love it.
good guys and bad guys, heroes and villians .
american politics is now akin to "the real housewifes of washington"
smart politicians know you get NO brownie points for slaving away at your desk 18 hrs a day.
if you do that, you will become a nobody and disappear.
the smart pollie knows that to win the game, you have to have a big personality.
you have to be a trump or an AOC or a lydia thorpe or a jaqui lambie or a pauline hanson or a maxine waters .
you have to be a star.
you and gweg are totally addicted to the soap opera. admit it.
there are heaps of mayors and congressmen and politicians doing a good solid job and you have no time for them, cant name them and have no interest in them
you are the audience, the "entertainer in chief" is playing to.
without people like you, there would be no trump
if you were devoted to family and career and community , trump would wither on the vine.
your love of the drama is the reason the drama exists.
so dont be blaming trump
go look in the mirror.
he is the manifestation of your low vibration state
Vlad is the coldest fish in the tank, dear. He is the very manifestation of the low vibration state. He's a cold-blooded plotter. He came to power by sticking time bombs in Russian apartment buildings. His latest is the bombing of Ukrainian schools and hospitals. He's the only world leader currently on an Interpol watch list for war crimes. If his private jet ever passes through European airspace, fighter jets will escort him to the nearest airport, where he will be arrested and sent to the Hague.
Politics, as understood by all noble citizens, is about providing the maximum good to the greatest number of people. It is about minimising your fellow citizens' pain. For Vlad, it is the exact opposite. He is the first leader to invade a sovereign European country since WWII. He is universally despised by all noble citizens.
Your Dear Leader is just an imitator. All he ever achieved in office was a few new moves to the Village People. That, and a lot of pain to the greatest number. He certainly achieved the highest death toll - for the most spending too. By every measure as a modern world leader, he failed. You've even conceded that.
But I'm curious. What sort of deplorable would go for Vlad?