we mustnt rely on anecdotal evidence.
we need to look at the data.
we were told 6000 ventilators might not be enough
palashay built a billion dollar quarantine facility and also was ready to convert the show grounds into a makeshift hospital .
they even designed a system so patients could share a ventilator.
they told people you couldnt go to a beach or fishing by yourself
they told people , if a player kicks a fotty into the crowd, dont touch it, you may die.
these are the facts
a 2 year campaign of daily mdia saturation to terrify the anxious public.
and what happened?
well we probably have 1 or 2 people on ventilators, and they would have 4 co-morbidities.
they dont even test hospital staff or make them mask up
most people get a sniffle and take 3 panadol and its over.
this has been the biggest over blown nothing burger in the history of the world
and thats not anecdotal.
thats the historical record.
politicians are just completely shutting up about it because they are embarrasssed
the grifters (big pharma) are counting the loot and we are probably going to have a world wide reccession thanks to this nonsense
mels vaccine injury pales into insignificance compared to the damage done by the lies that were told, all with the single aim of controlling the citizens
and didnt most people show what scared spineless children they are.
they should be embarrassed and supporting what happened is the only way they can lie to themselves so they dont die of shame