Submissions to the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum Cole's submission:
2. The Voice is critical to the objectives made clear in the Uluru Statement from
the Heart (the Uluru statement) that Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders
wish to establish:
(a) Aboriginal Sovereignty over Australian territory.
(b) Ownership of Australian land and surrounding waters.
(c) Makarrata Commissions resulting in” reconciliation,” including a treaty
between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on the one hand, and the
Commonwealth of Australia and its people on the other, together with
monetary and other compensation.
(d) truth telling.
3. Regarding (a), The High Court of Australia has consistently rejected the claim
for Aboriginal sovereignty which is inconsistent with the sovereignty of the
Commonwealth of Australia. Aboriginals seek to change this.
4. Regarding (b), ownership of land and waters in Australia is determined by
Australian statutes. Aboriginals seek to change this.
5. To achieve the objectives in (c), it is necessary to split the Australian people
permanently into two groups based solely on race. This is wrong in principle. It
will be to the permanent detriment of Australia and its peoples. It will confer
on one group of Australians only, rights to influence future lawmaking which
other Australians do not have. This will divide Australians.
6. A Makarrata Commission would look backwards, trawling over events,
legislation, policies and administrative actions over the past 225 years to
discover areas of discontent in the minds of present living Aboriginals, all of
whom were born since Federation. And to award them compensation. This will
divide Australians.
7. And so too will “truth telling” which will seek to revise Australian history to
have an Aboriginal perspective.
8. Dividing Australian society permanently based on race is inconsistent with
the great unified multicultural society Australia has established since World
War 2.
9.The Voice is the tool the Aboriginal interests will use to achieve advantage for
one small minority in our society.
10.The potential for great irremediable harm to Australian society means the
Voice should never be incorporated in the Australian constitution, which should
be amended only if such amendment advantages Australian society as a whole.
The Voice does not.