mothra wrote on Mar 29
th, 2024 at 2:39pm:
No you old fool. I came to challenge someone saying all Aboriginal babies should be sterilised. This is of course perfectly fime with you so you didn't feel compelled to say anything.
Hell, you probably agree.
And i've spent years here writing essays on what can be done to help and sort these problems. Indigenous elders, spokespeople and advocated have been scr3e4aming it from the roof tops for years and years. All falls on deaf ears.
Why? Because you and the other nasty little bigots that frequent this site are determined not to listed to anything that paints Aboriginal people as anything other than sub-human recalcitrants, too stupid, lazy and shiftless to function in what you arrogantly and myopically consider "your" superior society.
There is no point talking to you.
You're dyed in the wool bigots and it will die with you. You are irredeemable and certainly not here for debate. You're hear to spew your filth because nowhere else on earth wants you.
You were asked a simple question: "what's your solution" to the problem of rioting and antisocial behaviour. One solution, as far-fetched as it was, is to sterilise the troublemakers. So far, that is the leading argument. You have not provided any counterargument, because you are trying to appeal to emotion.
Let us face facts, there is a discipline problem among youths in Alice Springs. No other reason has been put forth as to why the rioting has taken place in Alice Springs, other than some lunatic logic that a car thief died during a joyride. I really cannot see how the town needs to suffer vandalism because of the self-inflicted problems.
It is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't situation". You can let the indigenous people sort their own problems out on their own. But then, the local, state and federal government would be accused of neglecting them. Or you could intervene in their problems and try and fix the situation. But that would be called the "white saviour" effect.
Let us face the facts: Indigenous people won't get better until they start behaving themselves. If I can see that happen inside a 10 year period in an aboriginal community of Woorabinda, then it should be able to happen in Alice Springs.