This absurd meme originated from a viral social media post:
FALSE: Pfizer vaccine has 1,291 side effects.
Explanation: This is
not a list of side effects
caused by Pfizer's mRNA vaccine, but a list
of side effects that Pfizer has focussed on and
sought in the reports that have reached them.
According to the report, no new health risks
from the vaccine were identified, and that
1,291 potential hazards were sought
but NOT found in the reports. Regarding
the stated conclusions, it is known that no
new risks or worrying information about side
effects were discovered.
These sorts of nonsensical, unevidenced and
misrepresentative memes are all too typical of
the sorts of bullshit that people like Frank, Bobby,
Sir Lastmail, Aquascoot, Wombat Woody,
Captain Caveman,
et al believe without question.
Sad really that in an allegedly
scientifically-enlightened 21st
century we seem to have so
many education-resistant people
—even those presented with
sound, empirical evidence who
still blindly soak up COVID
denialism like a sponge.