Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
AusGeoff wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 9:30am:
Not so. His Aboriginality was acknowledged when he was working
as an international reporter in 1997.... Grant was probably the very first Aboriginal person to make any impact upon—until then—a very white, Anglo media industry. He was a ground-breaker.
What's obvious is you wouldn't know ....
I'm younger than you Methuselah
Uh... what exactly do you mean by this?
I'm assuming you're
acknowledging my superior worldly wisdom accrued over many
decades of looking, and listening, and learning. As my dear old
mum used to say when I was being a smartarse as a kid, "You
can't put an old head on young shoulders".
Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
...what has any of that history got to do with or what affect does it have on Stan Grant in the present?
Well, I'd have thought it was pretty obvious.
Grant is still fighting
the lingering racism today that was the norm even fifty years ago.
it's obvious that you're too young in order to fully understand
why it is that Grant's decided to leave the ABC.
Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
What would Stan be doing now had that not occurred?
Well, in all likelihood, exactly the same job. But
attaining his
current position and expertise was made all the harder by the
discrimination and racism he encountered along the way. And he
survived it to get where he is today.
Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
What makes Stan any different from any other successful person who has worked hard & became a success?
Oh dear... are you just playing dumb, or what?
Grant is "different"
from other people because he's not a conservative, white, Anglo
man or woman—men and women who never had to contend with
covert racism throughout their career-building period; who've
never faced cowardly, aggressive, ignorant racial slurs on social
media or in the printed media.People such as
Ray Martin, Jenny Brockie, David Speers, Ellen Fanning,
David Koch, Leigh Sales, George Negus, Annabel Crabb, Terry Willesee,
or Phillip Adams.Oh... wait... they're all white. What a surprise!
Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
Why is it that you think dragging up the past to run it like a never ending guilt trip has any merit in reconciliation when all it does is widen the division?
Nice deflection there LOL.
We're talking about the blatant racism
that Stan Grant is facing today, in case you hadn't noticed.
Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
I think that's an over used cop out.
What do you mean by "cop out" in this scenario? Please clarify.
Gnads wrote on May 22
nd, 2023 at 12:17pm:
If Grant is so staunch in his Aboriginality why did he leave his 1st wife (Aboriginal) for a white woman?
Stan and Karla's aboriginality had absolutely
nothing to do with their
divorce. It was put down simply
as irreconcilable differences. At
any rate, there are hundreds (thousands?) of Aboriginal men married
to white women. And if—a
s you appear to imply—you think that Aboriginal
men should only marry Aboriginal women, then you really are living in
the era of 1950's black and white TV.
If you think Grant married Tracey Holmes
because she was white or
non-Aboriginal, then you know very little about love or life. As you get a
bit older, you may well rethink some of your unsound current opinions
—a lot of which miss the point from the get-go.
Lets explain something because you never seem to take note of much written here.
I'm 67 .... that's still younger than you ... yet old enough to know you're talking through your southern gate.
So no ... I'm not acknowledging your superior worldly wisdom because I fear you have exactly the opposite.
Grant is not suffering any racism today ... he's suffering criticism, he doesn't like that so he's playing the race card. He wasn't suffering any racism throughout his childhood & his education which has seen him into his current career. His claims are just a chip on his shoulder to garner support from softcocks like you.
So I don't believe he suffered any discrimination or racism along the way. There are Italians, Maltese & Middle Easterners darker than him.
Again NO ..... Grant is not different from other people .....that's complete bollocks because he is also of white anglo descent .... but like so many he doesn't acknowledge it for convenience.
He's as traditionally/culturally Aboriginal as me.
You're joking right? He's not Robinson Crusoe in that dept. & that doesn't just happen to people of Aboriginal descent .... it happens to white anglo as well you wanker.
And when Grant started his career " social media" was in it's infancy.