issuevoter wrote on May 20
th, 2023 at 9:05am:
Stan Grant is a conflicted half-caste as many of the more rabid ones are. Recently he said, and I quote, "The Crown tried to exterminate my people." First of all, which people are his people. Assuming he was talking about Aboriginal ancestors, he is either ignorant of history and instructions for Governors concerning the natives, or he is deliberately using his celebrity to mislead the public in the run up to the referendum. Either way, he is an arsehole.
Apparently you've posted this comment for no other reason
than to broadcast your own offensive racist viewpoint, and
give it a prominence it doesn't deserve?
And to describe Grant as an "arsehole" requires a lot more
confirmatory evidence in order to give it any actual veracity.
What in particular—in your opinion—justifies your description
of Grant? Is it based, perhaps, solely on the fact that he's and
Aboriginal, and you despise all Aboriginals?
And if so, is that not the height of racism? Or are you proud
to be a racist?